Page 67 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 67

           Listening                                      4  Work  in  pairs.  Discuss  which  three  of  the

           1 Describe what you see in each picture. What are   following  qualities  would  be  necessary
              the similarities or diff erences between them?  for  people  living  in  an  extended  family.
                                                             Remember to give reasons.
                                                             hardworking   tolerant     easy-going
                                                             patient       cooperative   helpful
                                                             sympathetic   caring       obedient
                                                             being a good listener      ready to share

           2 Nick  is  talking  to  Mrs  Ha,  Duong’s  mother,
              about  her  family  in  the  past.  Listen  to  the
              conversation and fi ll in the blanks.

              family group:       (1) __________________
              number of generations: (2) __________________
              use of rooms:       (3) __________________      I  think  you’d  have  to  be  a
                                                            pati ent person because you’d be
              topics to talk about                          living with lots of others and if you
              during meals:       (4) __________________    weren’t pati ent, it could lead to
                                  (5) __________________    problems.  You’d  have  to  wait
                                  (6) ______ in the village  your turn for everything – the
                                                                bathroom, the food…
              quality needed:     (7) __________________

              skills learned:     (8) __________________
                                  (9) __________________  5  Write  about  the  three  most  important
                                  (10) __________________    qualities  you  think  a  person  needs  to  be
                                                             able to get along with other members in an
                                                             extended family. You can use the suggested
           3  Listen  again  and  decide  if  the  following   words/phrases  above  or  use  your  own.
              statements are true (T) or false (F).          Remember to give reasons and examples.
                                               T   F
            1.  Duong is living in a nuclear family.
            2.  Each member in Duong’s family has a private
               room now.
            3.  Nick likes the way the family shared rooms in
               the past.
            4.  Nick didn’t like the way Mrs Ha’s family had
               meals together.
            5.  Mrs Ha admires her grandma.
            6.  Nick admires the way the family reached an

           67   Unit 6/ Viet Nam: Then and Now
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