Page 24 - The Rounds - 2018 V1
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Plainview Hospital Staten Island University Hospital Syosset Hospital
Olga Floukakos, RN Bryan Platt, RN, Martha Capraro, RN
As a Registered Nurse, I felt both honored and Operating Room When Northwell Health was looking for volunteers
privileged to have been part of the Northwell to support Texas after Hurricane Harvey, Martha
Hurricane Harvey relief team sent to Houston. Capraro, RN did not hesitate to help. She received the
I admit that initially I was a bit apprehensive, not call to pack her bags on Friday for deployment on a
knowing what to expect, not knowing what was Monday. Without knowing much about what she
expected of me. My unease was soon put to rest. was in for, Martha was fully prepared to do anything
Northwell had put together a well-organized plan it took to help. Upon arrival, Martha discovered
to support all who volunteered. They arranged she would be working in the ED on overnights. She
for our travel, room and board, orientation, and received a brief orientation and education regarding
appropriate resource staff members. chemo agent administration and got right to work.
Martha quickly learned how much of the local
I was also assured that for any issue or concern, there hospital staff were impacted by the hurricane. By
would be a team leader to support me. As a wife and having our employees covering these shifts, these Martha Capraro, RN
mother, I was comforted to know that in the event of nurses were able to take time off to deal with the
a family emergency, the Northwell team would send devastation left by the hurricane. In addition, their
someone to my home if needed, and if the event Bryan Platt, RN on right patients would still receive the best care possible.
required, they would arrange for my travel home.
The support I received aff orded me the ability to Bryan Platt, RN began his career with Staten Island
focus on what I do best – helping others in their time University Hospital in 1987 working at the North
of need. I was able to circulate and scrub on general/ Site in the Operating Room. After eight years as a
plastic breast cases with two procedure set ups, Registered Nurse, Bryan decided that he needed a
various cysto cases and insertion of mediports. All diff erent challenge and became a FDNY fi refi ghter.
patients are cancer patients in various stages of their
treatments. The local staff members were grateful Being a Registered Nurse and fi refi ghter, Bryan
and gracious for my presence. It was an experience I takes his work seriously. He was a part of the elite "I am especially proud to work for an
will never forget. group of fi rst responders on September 11th. Bryan
also donated his time without a second thought to organization that has the compassion
When I arrived back home I couldn’t wait to share help those who were aff ected by the devastation
my experiences with the Plainview team. I am of Hurricane Sandy. When Northwell asked for and ability to orchestrate this type
especially proud to work for an organization that has volunteers to assist with recovery in Houston,
the compassion and ability to orchestrate this type Bryan immediately volunteered to help. of relief response. If you have the
of relief response. If you have the opportunity to do
this, you will not regret it. Staten Island University Hospital was honored opportunity to do this, you will not
to be represented by Bryan Platt, RN as well as
Jeanette Lopez, RN and Melissa Burnfeind, regret it."
Certifi ed Surgical Tech.
- Ogla Floukakos, RN
24 Northwell Health The Rounds • Volume 1, 2018 25