Page 27 - The Rounds - 2018 V1
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Northern Westchester Hospital Orzac Center for Rehabilitation
New Blood Avoidance Driving clinical excellence
Program at Northern in antibiotic stewardship
Westchester Hospital The nurses at Orzac Center for Rehabilitation urinary tract infections and C-diff infections as a
are helping lead the important CMS Antibiotic result of the program.
Stewardship program. The program is designed to
Every day, the people of Northern Westchester and patients, I hope to ensure that the patient's support long-term care facilities with implementing Orzac Center for Rehabilitation is also participating
Hospital live out the value of being Truly beliefs and wishes are respected, while collaborating antibiotic stewardship programs to enhance in the ESNF Tele-health program, which rolled
Compassionate. The facility is in an area with a large with the medical team to assist them with providing infection prevention. Antimicrobial Stewardship out in August, 2017. Telehealth provides econsult
Jehovah’s Witness population. In addition to the the highest quality of care." is the coordinated eff ort to improve and measure physicians for patients that are experiencing
Jehovah’s Witnesses who live in the area, thousands the appropriate use of antimicrobials through urgent changes in status with a potential for
of tourists come to visit these sites monthly. Patients and their families have expressed much promoting the selection of an optimal drug hospitalization. The patient is connected via video
This creates a special opportunity for Northern appreciation and joy for having a Blood Avoidance regimen including dosing, duration of therapy, and to a physician who is in a separate location. A nurse
Westchester Hospital to be able to care for the Program in their community. One patient stated route of administration. Encouraging appropriate is often on hand to conduct physical exam tasks
specifi c needs of these people. that he felt a “sense of comfort” when he received antimicrobial use through stewardship may requested by the remote specialist. Cameras and
a call from the Blood Avoidance Program after promote good clinical outcomes while decreasing other monitoring tools allow the specialist to see on
Jehovah’s Witnesses are a group of Christians who learning that he would have to have a vascular antimicrobial-associated toxicity, pharmaceutical screen exactly what the nurse is seeing in person.
take literally the Bible command to “keep abstaining surgery. Another patient felt that the program was costs, patient length-of-stay, and microbial This will reduce re-hospitalization and allow the
from blood,” therefore, they do not accept blood “a gift from [God]!” As a Planetree hospital with resistance. The facility has seen a dramatic decrease patient to be treated without being transferred.
transfusions. The new Blood Avoidance Program Distinction, Northern Westchester Hospital is on in urinary tract infections, catheter associated
at Northern Westchester Hospital will allow an ongoing quest to provide optimal patient-
Jehovah’s Witnesses to feel a sense of comfort centered care.
and understanding when they receive care. The Employee Recognition
Program will allow patients who decline the use
of blood products the opportunity to choose what Richard Fernandez, RN d Fernandez, RN d Fernandez, RN d Fernandez, RN
medications and treatments are acceptable to them, LIJ Medical Center
and also provide continuing education and resources
A homeless patient arrived in the ED covered in
A homeless pa
to staff . A homeless patient arrived in the ED covered in tient arrived in the ED covered in
grime, sullen and hopeless. Without hesitation,
grime, sullen and hopeless. Without hesitation, , sullen and hopeless. Without hesitation,
Richard Fernandez quickly connected with the
Also included in the program is a dedicated Richard Fernandez quickly connected with the
patient. He helped him undress, showered him
Coordinator who will help navigate patients though patient. He helped him undress, showered him
their hospital stay. "I am an active member of and cared for him with compassion and dignity.
the Jehovah’s Witnesses community,” says Stacy He engaged the person underneath all the grime
Reader, RN, BSN, “so I bring a unique and valuable and truly made a diff erence. With his knowledge,
combination of clinical knowledge and experience, hard work and positive attitude, Richard Fernandez
with a genuine understanding of the stand that is a go-to guy in the ED and a major asset to LIJ
patients take regarding treatment without blood Stacey Reader, RN, BSN Medical Center.
transfusions. As a liaison between the medical staff
Blood Avoidance Coordinator
26 Northwell Health The Rounds • Volume 1, 2018 27