Page 16 - Summit Brochure Final
P. 16


                                                     Marcela Chein, BA, HRP, MOS

                                                     Staff Scheduler, Trillium Gift of Life Network

                                                     Chair EXATEC Ontario Advisory Board, TRIEC PINS
                                                     Advisory Committee

                                                     Marcela's passion lies in human potential and
                                                     development, and constant learning.  She has a
                                                     Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance, minor

                                                     degree in International Business an cetification in
                                                     ESL teaching and Human Resource Management.
                                                     Marcela contributes to the community through her
                                                     role as Chair of EXATEC Ontario's Advisory Board
                                                     and membership at TRIEC PIN's Advisory


                                                     Liliana Nakamura, CHRP, PMP

                                                     Client Program Manager, Development Dimensions

                                                     President, Unstoppable Me

                                                     Liliana has extensive experience in organizational
                                                     development, change management and leadership
                                                     development.  Liliana is passionate about giving

                                                     back to her community by providing support to
                                                     immigrants through various leadership roles.  She is
                                                     currently volunteering as the President of a diverse
                                                     organization called UnstoppableMe and is also a

                                                     mentor with TRIEC and CultureLink.

                    B l a c k   F e m a l e   A c c o u n t a n t s   N e t w o r k

           @ b f a n n e t w o r k   b f a n n e t w o r k . w o r d p r e s s . c o m
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