Page 7 - Summit Brochure Final
P. 7


               7:30 am - 8:30 am     Registration / Breakfast

               8:30 am - 8:35 am     Opening Prayer

               8:40 am - 9:40 am     Opening Remarks / Introduction / Our Network: 2018 – A Year in Review

               9:45 am - 10:25 am    Morning Keynote Plus Q&A
                                     “Getting the Corner Office: The Journey to the C -Suite”

                                     Simone Atungo
                                     CEO, Anne Johnston Health Station CHC/Tobias House Attendant Care

               10:30 am - 11:00 am  Networking Break

               11:00 am - 11:15 am  Community Based Professional Networks - Best Practices Case Study

                                     Marcela Chein
                                     Chair Board of Directors, EXATEC Ontario

               11:15 am - 12:00 pm  Panel 1
                                     “The Value and Benefit of Community Based Professional Networks”

               12:05 pm - 1:00 pm    Lunch

               1:00 pm - 1:40 pm     Afternoon Keynote Plus Q&A
                                     “Breaking the Concrete Ceiling in the Finance & Accounting Profession”

                                     Lori-Ann Beausoleil
                                     Partner, Advisory Practice, PWC

               1:45 pm - 2:50 pm     Member Testimonials / MSN Champion Recognition

               2:55 pm - 3:20 pm     Networking Break

               3:20 pm - 4:05 pm     Panel 2
                                     “Taking your Finance and Accounting Career to the Next Level”

               4:10 pm - 4:40 pm     Volunteer Appreciation

               4:45 pm - 4:55 pm     Our Network: The Next Chapter

               4:55 pm – 5:00 pm     Closing Prayer

               5:00 pm - 5:30 pm     Meeting Close / Networking
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