P. 33

148.  Land  one  mile  for  each  SaMut  Shamut  “Year”  of  movement,  and  this
                      being of light of fire or An-Nuwr is known in Abraham’s land as Ur.
               149.  As  Nan-Nar  “Bright  One”,  Oaa  aaNaq-u  Paa  Aanaq-u  The
                      (Anu·n·na·Qi, ‘Anaqim) “Anunnaki” son of En·Lil “Master of above”, son
                      of Anu The Most High, Sumerian deity.
               150.  And in chapter 24 or An-Nuwr verse 35 it says right out…

                           “Allah he is light (nuwr) of the skies above heavens and the land
                           earth a likeness of his (nuwr) light is as a likeness NICHE inside of
                           a (Miṡbaa Hun) a lamp of fire. The lamp of fire is inside a jar the
                           jar was as if it was a bright star lit up from an olive tree (burning
                           bush) not of the east nor the west whose oil would almost glow even
                           if  untouched  by  fire.  Light  upon  light.  Allah  guides  to  his  light
                           whom he wills and Allah presents examples for the amnesia people
                           and Allah by way of all things is knower.”

                                       -Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D

                              “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The Parable of
                             His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the
                             Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: Lit
                             from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west,
                             whose  oil  is  well-nigh  luminous,  though  fire  scarce  touched  it:
                             Light upon Light! Allah doth guide  whom He will to His Light:
                             Allah doth set forth  Parables for men: and Allah doth know all
                                                                                 -Translated by Yusuf Ali

               151.  So  you  see  my  Karad-u  Kharad-u  “Children”  he  is  related  to  both
                      nawar Nawar “Light” and narar Narar “Fire”. This is their deity of
                      brightness. This is the one who their safah Safah “Book” claims…

                      Ezekiel 28:17

                            “Thine  heart  was  lifted  up  because  of  thy  beauty  thou  has
                            corrupted the wisdom by reason of thy brightness. I will cast thee
                            to  the  earth  I  will  lay  thee  before  rulers  (kings)  that  they  may
                            behold thee.”

                                                                                     -King James Version

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