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2:1-2. So, this Satan, Shaitan, Iblis is one of Allah’s own angelic
beings. Quraan 2:30, Revelation 12:9-12.
Quraan 7:12
“He said: ‘ “What hindered you, (Ibliys/Haylal/Samael), that you
did not prostrate when I (I Not We) commanded you to?” ’ He,
(Adam/Zakar)? You Khalaq ‘Created’ me of fire and you Khalaq
‘Created’ him of clay.”
-Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.
Job 2:1-2
(1) “And again there was a day when the sons of god came to
present themselves before the lord, and Satan came also among
them to present himself before the lord.”
(2) “And the lord said unto Satan, from whence comest thou? And
Satan answered the lord, and said from going to and fro in the
earth and from walking up and down in it.”
-King James Version 1611A.D.
Quraan 2:30
“And when your Rabb, (Enqi) said to the Angelic Messengers,
(Eloheem, Anunnaqi): ‘ Surely, I will make a Khalifat, Successor –
Left Behind’ in the planet Tiamat Earth. ’ They said: ‘ Are you
going to make in it one of those who cause mischief in it and shed
blood? ’ And We, ([ We Not Me],Anunnaqi glorify You, by way of
gratitude, and our holiness is to You ’ He said: ‘ Surely, I know
what you don’t know.”
-Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.
Revelation 12:9-12
(9) “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the
devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”