P. 34
152. So he will be cast down. The Quraan claims Allah went up to his seat
above as nabab Nabab “Master” of EabaL-aat Ṡabaṫ-aat “Sirius
Star System” as you read in Quraan 10:3 He raised upward to sit on a
throne. Quraan 2:255, Psalm 11:4, Isaiah 66:1, Acts 7:49, Quraan 9:129.
Quraan 10:3
“Surely your Rabb ‘Master’, ALLAH Khalaq ‘created’ the skies
‘firmament’ and the planet ard ‘earth’ in six daily periods.
Then he (he not we), established himself upon the arsh ‘throne’.
He directed his (his not our) orders (over the creation). There
is no intercessors with him (him not us), except from after his
permission. That is the source, ALLAH. Don’t you all have
-Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.
Quraan 2:255
“The Source, ALLAH is He (Hu-Creative Force Of Will), and
without Him nothing would be (exist), (for He is) Al Qayyuwm
‘The Eternal’, Al Hayyu ‘Living El’ who never Sinatun ‘Tires’,
nor (does He take a second from His creation to) Nawm
‘Slumber Or To Sleep’. For Him (Him Not Us) is whatever is in
Al Samaawaat ‘The Skies (Firmaments and beyond, and) in the
planet Tiamat ‘Earth’. Who is he, that can intercede with Him
(Him Not Us) except by His (His Not Our) permission? He (He
Not We-ALLAH) knows what is between their hands, (what they
decide and what works their hands do); and what (acts) they
leave behind; but they can not comprehend anything from His
(His Not Our) ‘Ilm’ ‘Knowledge’ except what He Yasha-in
‘Pleases’ (wills). Spread wide is His (His Not Our) Kursiy
‘Seat’ in Al Samaawaati ‘The Skies’ and ‘Tiamat’; the planet
earth, and the Hif-dhuhumaa ‘Guardship’ Of Both Of Them’ is
no burden for Him. Because He is The Al Aliyyu ‘Most High’,
(ANU), Al ‘Aziym ‘The Supreme”.
-Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.