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west. Look at W.F. Muhammad or Master Fard Muhammad, a half Arab
half European by his muldad-tat Muldad-tat “Mother” D.N.A. He was
dressed like Americans.
162. You will not find one photo of him and the Messenger Elijah Muhammad
163. Why is there not one when both took photos back then, even when arrested?
Yet not one standing side by side - think on this.
Quraan 9:97-101
(97) “ Al A’araab ‘The Desert Arabs’ (Red Arabs) are the most
Ashaddu ‘Forceful’ (Severe), Kufraan ‘Concealers’ Of That Which
Is The Facts’, and the (biggest) Nifaaqaan ‘Hypocrites”, and more
without knowledge of the Huduwd ‘Limits’ of what was sent down
by The Source, ALLAH upon His (His Not Our) Rasuwl, ‘One Sent,’
(Muhammad), and The Source, ALLAH is The ‘Aliym’Knower’, The
Hakiym ‘Wise’,”(98) “And from Al A’Araab ‘The Desert Arabs
(Red Arabs) who take what they share willingly as a lost and they
wait for all to be afflicted. The evil affliction will be upon them; and
ALLAH is Samiy’un ‘Hearer’, ‘Aliymun ‘All Knowing’.”(99) “And
Min ‘Of’ Al A’araab ‘The Desert Arabs, there are those who have
faith in The Source, ALLAH and the Last day, and they take those
offerings which they share willingly nearer in ALLAH’S
‘Inda’Possession’; and the Salawaat ‘Salutations’ of the one sent,
(Muhammad). Except Innahaa ‘It Is’ Qurbatun ‘Nearer’ Lahum ‘
To Them’. The Source, ALLAH will cause them to enter in His (His
Not Our) Rahmat ‘Yielding (mercy). Surely, The Source, ALLAH is
Ghafuwrun ‘Forgiving’, Rahiym ‘Most Merciful’. ”(100) “And the
first preceders of Al Muhaajiriyn ‘The Emigrants’ (from Mecca)
and the Ansaar Aiders’ (from Medina) and those of them, (Enosites)
who followed them by way of that which is best; ALLAH is content
with them, and they are contented with Him (Him Not Us). And He,
ALLAH has prepared for them Jannaatin ‘Enclosed Gardens’ with
rivers flowing beneath it, which they shall abide therein eternally.
That is Al ‘Aziym‘The Supreme’ Al Fawz ‘Achievement’.”(101)
“And from among those that are around you A A’araab ‘The Desert
Arabs’, (that are) Munaafiquwn ‘Hypocrites’ and of the Ahl
‘Family’ of Al Madiynat ‘The City’ – there are some who persist in
hypocrisy that you, (Muhammad) don’t know. We, ([We Not He] the
Eloheem, Anunnaqi) know the, and We, (the Eloheem Anunnaqi)