P. 45
then onto the Voodoo Cult which became the Black Muslim then the Nation
of Islam and 5 Percenters, on into many sects groups as well as Sunni
Islam and Ahmadiyya Islam.
168. So the new enforced hajay Hajay “Spell” of blind faith by the light of
Islam was cast on my people.
169. Malcom X broke the spell once he visited maKMat Makhmat “Egipt” in
afaf-rayay-kaAah Afaf-Rayay- Kaȧaḣ “Africa” and dropped the
Islamic Brotherhood to become Pan African.
170. So they killed him and the spell of sleep is still enforced.
171. They wish to claim all black teachers are from N.O.I. Well, I was never in
the Nation of Islam, nor 5% nor under the Moorish Science Temple.
172. I was given a card way after I started teaching in 1962 to 1970 A.D.
173. Much later, I tried to reach my Moorish children to explain to them that
Moor is only Morenos, spanish for dark skinned people.
Figure 31: Nation of Islam