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‘An  Inventor’  (making  up  the  scriptures).’In  fact,  most  of  them
                            don’t know anything.”

                                      -Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.

                       Quraan 16:102-103

                            102)  “Say  (Muhammad),  Al  Quduws  ‘The  Holy’  Ruwh  ‘Soul’
                            (Eloheem  Gabriel/Nusqu)  has  Nazala  ‘Sent  Down’  from  your
                            sustainer  by  way  of  the  facts  (beyond  and  doubt),  in  order  to
                            Yuthabbitu  ‘Make  Firm, strengthen’ those  who have faith  (in all
                            other scriptures and tablets from before; Gilgamesh Epics, Enuma
                            Elish,  Atra  Hasis,  Etama,  Nergal  and  Arishkegal,  Descent  Of
                            Ishtar To The Underworld, The Secrets Of Adafa) and as a leading
                            calmness and good news  (the Qur’aan) to the Muslimiyn ‘Peace
                            Makers, Muslims.’”
                            (103) “And indeed, We, ([We Not He] Eloheem) know that surely
                            they say: “A (certain) Basharun ‘Mortal Being In Skin’ Yu’allimu
                            ‘Teaches’ (the Qur’aan) to (Muhammad). The Lisaanun ‘Tongue
                            (dialect)’  of  him  who  they  are  referring  to,  is  of  a  A’ajamiyyun
                            ‘Foreigner’;  and  this  Lisaanun  ‘Tongue’  (the  pure  Qurayshan
                            dialect) of Arabiyyun ‘Arabic’ (of the Qur’aan) id Mubiyn ‘Clear’.

                                      -Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.

                       Quraan 42:7

                              “And  just  like  that,  We  (We  Not  He)  inspired  you,  (Ahmad)  with
                              Arabiyyaan  ‘An  Arabic’  Qur’aan,  (in  the  Qurayshan  dialect)  To
                              Tundhira ‘Warn’ the Umma ‘Mother’ village, (Mecca) and those who
                              are around it; and it is for you to warn of a Day of Jum’I ‘Gathering’.
                              There is no Rayba ‘Doubt’ Fiyhi ‘In It’, Fariyqan ‘A Portion’ of (the
                              Enosites) will be in the Sa’iyr ‘Flaming Fire.’”

                                      -Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.

               182.  Yet, Islam is only Abraham who they call Ibrahim, own Persian religion.
                        Quraan 2:130 and 16:123.

                        Quraan 2:130

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