P. 47

174.  So I can laMud Lamud “Teach” them the entire Shriner and Al Hambra
                      plot  here  in  the wilderness of the west by way of  Islamism. The zaAam
                      Zaȧam  “Religion,  Opinion”  of  a  nawar  mukwan    Nawar  Mukwan
                      “Light Being” who gave the Quraan to an Arab, a people you cannot trust.
               175.  The Bible and Quraan are from the same being Quraan 9:111.

                        Quraan 9:111

                             “Surely,  The  Source,  ALLAH  has  Ashtaraa  ‘Brought’  from  the
                            faithful Anfusahum ‘Their Spirits’ and their wealth. For that, they
                            will  have  the  Jannat  ‘Garden’.  They  Yuqaatil  ‘Kill”  Fee  ‘In’
                            ALLAH’S  Sabiyl  ‘Path’  (way);  so  they  kill  and  are  killed.  A
                            Wa’adaan ‘Promise’ Alayhi ‘On Him’ Haqqaan ‘In Truth’ in  Al
                            Tawraah,  ‘The  Torah’  -  (5  books  Of  The  Eloheem  Mosheh,  The
                            Prophet  Aharown,  And  The  Apostle  Yehowshuwa.  Mosheh’s
                            Successor  and  Al  Injiyl  ‘The  Evangel,  Revelation’  (Of  Yashu’a)
                            and Al Qur’aan; and who is able to fulfill the promise of his (His
                            Not Our) ‘ Ahd ‘Covenant’ than ALLAH? Therefore rejoice in the
                            contract  -  (pledge  of  allegiance)  that  you  have  with  Him  (The
                            Source).  And  that  is  Al  ‘Aziym  ‘The  Supreme’  Al  Fawz

                                      -Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.

               176.  So  now  they,  mujwaw-u  Mujwaw-u  “Jews,”  muqsas-u  Muqsas-u
                      “Christians” , muslam-u  Muslam-u “Muslims” fight and kill each other.
               177.   Does a Yaweh, Theos or Allah step in to stop the killing of millions? No.
                      Why not?  He orders hate and killing in their holy books.
               178.  The Holy Quraan or Koran was not sent down to you my beloved people.
               179.  It was only sent down for those who naLuqa Na  uqa “Spoke” the lasan
                      Lasan “Tongue” of Arabic Quraan 14:4; and they were told if they do not
                      understand Arabic of the Quraan, go to the Hebrew speakers of the Torah
                      for meanings.
               180.  Quraan  10:94  And  16:43,  do  they  do  as  the  Quraan  commanded  them?
                      Know, Muslims make up new meanings for words already with meanings in
                      Hebrew in the Torah.

                      Quraan 14:4

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