P. 48
“And We, ([We Not He] Anunnaqi) did not send from a Rasuwl
‘One Sent’ except one who uses Lisaan ‘te tongue’ 9dialect) of
Qawmihi ‘His Kindred’, in order to me things Bayyina ‘Clear’
Lahum ‘For Them’; so The Source, ALLAH Yudillu ‘Leads Astray’
whom He 9He Now We) pleases and He Yahdi ‘Calms’ whom He
pleases; and he is Al ‘Aziyz ‘the Mighty, Al Hakiym ‘The Wise’.”
-Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.
Quraan 10:94
“And He will not hinder the Naas ‘Enosite’ from having faith if the
leading calmness came to them, except that they said: ‘Has The
Source”, ALLAH raised 9back to life) a Basharaan ‘Mortal In
Skin’, (as) a Rasuwl ‘One Sent’?”
-Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.
Quraan 16:43
“And We, ([We Not He] Eloheem, Anunnaqi) did not send before
you, except Rajulaan ‘Mortal Men’, whom We, (Eloheem
Anunnaqi) inspired (by way of ‘Weh, Or Wahy’) to them. So ask
Ahla ‘The Family’ Of Al Dhikri ‘Remembrance’ (Noach’s family
who remembered the flood), if you did not know,
-Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.
181. So in many parts of Quraan they had to substitute verses. Quraan
16:101 given by a spirit being angel of light. Quraan 16:102-103. It was
only for Arabians Quraan 42:7.
Quraan 16:101
“And when We, ([We Not He] Eloheem, Anunnaqi0 Badala
‘Changed’ Ayatin ‘ A Verse’ in place of another Ayatin ‘Verse’
and ALLAH, alone knows best, that which He (He Now We) has
sent down. They will say: ‘Surely you, (Muhammad) are Muftarin