Page 34 - GIADA-April-2018
P. 34


        John Hammer Rejoins KAR as President

        of ADESA Business Unit

        By Jordan Head, Marketing and Public Relations Manager at GIADA

        As the saying goes, “Home is where the  for them as possible. If we satisfy those  car dealers that does just that. He explained
        heart is.” This was true for John Hammer  goals, our business will grow. They’re our  that Paul John, CEO of GIADA, offered
        when he left KAR’s Automotive Finance  customers and we need to take care of  backing when the independent dealers in
        Corporation as CEO in 2016 to rejoin  them.”                              Georgia faced regulatory challenges.
        the company’s ADESA business unit as
        president in 2018.                   KAR Auction Services is the industry leader   “I’d highly recommend getting
                                             when it comes to data. Hammer plans to
        Hammer served as the CEO of U.S. Auto  make both data and technology some of his   involved with GIADA,” said
        Sales, Inc. based in Lawrenceville, Georgia  focal points as president.        Hammer. “Dealers should
        during his time away from KAR. He said                                         leverage the association to
        he watched the company closely  and was  “We have a massive amount of data,” said   help them navigate through
        impressed by their growth with data and  Hammer. “We’ve harvested information
        technology. Ultimately, his passion for the  from auction, dealer and sales data and   governmental regulatory
        industry played a major role in his return.   some of the technology companies we’ve   issues. GIADA is the largest
                                             acquired. Making that data actionable for
        “KAR is just a great organization,” said  our customers will be our goal.”   association of its kind in the
        Hammer. “I really enjoyed working here                                         country. We’ve received so
        previously. I’ve been watching on the  “KAR and ADESA have focused on the   much support from Paul John.
        sideline as a customer and dealer for the  data and technology side of business and   It’s a fantastic resource for
        last couple of years, so I’ve stayed close to  how they integrate,” he continued. “We’re
        the company. It’s been fun watching them  either developing, acquiring or partnering     used-car dealers.”
        transform their business. I really like the  on technology to support our customers.
        industry as a whole. The auction business  That’ll be a big focus for the team and me;  An automotive-industry veteran, Hammer
        is a lot of fun and it’s super energizing. We  figuring out which technology works best  is aware of the challenges he’ll encounter as
        have a great leader in Jim Hallet and he’s a  for our customers and looking across KAR  president. He said he views the competitive
        fantastic visionary to work for.”    to see how we can leverage those capabilities  landscape as one of the company’s greatest
                                             across our business unit.”           tasks.
        As president, Hammer will manage all of
        ADESA’s operations from the 75 auction  Hammer mentioned that dealership trends  “The competitive landscape is probably the
        locations to its online auction marketplaces.  have been relatively flat for a couple of  biggest challenge we’ll face,” said Hammer.
        Though he has a lot on his plate, his first and  years. He said some trends to look out for  “There’s been new entrants in our space
        main objective is understanding customers’  are fairly flat retail sales, declining margins  with more technology companies coming
        needs.                               and fewer dealerships.               into the auction business. In some ways,
                                                                                  we like it because competition drives us to
        “Out the gate, I’ll take a look at the business  “I think a trend we’ll see moving forward  think differently.
        through our customers’ perspective and  is more consolidation,” said Hammer. “I
        focus on their interests,” said Hammer. “We  don’t think there will be more dealerships  “Many years back, we’d think about the
        must understand what they desire and put  down the road; I believe there will be  business down the road and wonder what
        it into a plan to fulfil what they’re looking  fewer and larger dealerships. Everyone’s  it would be like with online retailing,”
        for. I’ve been the customer in a number of  fighting for sales and we’ve seen margins  Hammer continued. ”Now we’re thinking
        fronts at ADESA, its competitors and many  decrease across the industry. ADESA can  about things like pricing analytics, logistics
        of the independents.                 help dealers by maximizing their values at  and data and supply chain management.”
        “In any business, you grow by relying on                                  For more on John Hammer and
        customers,” he continued. “We need to  Speaking of  maximizing  value, Hammer  KAR Auction Services, visit  http://
        develop our platform around their needs  believes Georgia Independent Auto Dealers n
        to make it as easy, efficient and productive  Association (GIADA) is a resource for used-

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