Page 39 - GIADA-April-2018
P. 39

THE CARLAWYER              ©

        eventually  returned  the  car  and  accepted  accurately to Rojas. The appellate court  Rojas v. X Motorsport, Inc., 2018 U.S. App.
        a return of his down payment from XMI.  rejected Rojas’s argument that the TILA  LEXIS 2857 (7th Cir. (N.D. Ill.) February 6,
        He then sued XMI for violating the Truth  disclosures should have been labeled as  2018)
        in Lending Act, alleging that the financing  “estimates” because they depended on
        terms in the RIC were not disclosed in  a condition subsequent, i.e., financing.  So, there’s this month’s roundup! Stay legal,
        a “meaningful” way because the terms  Relying on one  of its prior decisions, the  and we’ll see you next month. n
        were conditioned upon finance company  appellate court concluded that a condition
        approval. Both parties moved for summary  subsequent, such as securing financing,  Tom ( is Of Counsel
        judgment.  The  trial  court  granted  XMI’s  does not render TILA disclosures inaccurate  and  Nikki  (  is  a
        motion.                              or mere “estimates;” if the condition occurs,  Partner  in  the  law  firm  of  Hudson  Cook,
                                             the disclosures provide the “set rate” for  LLP. Tom has written several books and is the
        The  federal  appellate  court  affirmed.  The  that agreement.           publisher of Spot Delivery®, a monthly legal
        court reasoned that TILA was enacted to,                                  newsletter for auto dealers. He is the CEO of
        among other things, “assure the meaningful  The appellate court noted that its, LLC and the Editor
        disclosure of credit terms.” For disclosures  conclusion is supported by language in  in  Chief  of CARLAW®,  a  monthly  report
        to be “meaningful,” creditors must clearly  TILA stating that if information disclosed  of legal developments for the auto finance
        and accurately state material terms relevant  “is subsequently rendered inaccurate as the  and leasing industry. Nikki is a contributing
        to  the  transaction,  including  the  annual  result of any act, occurrence, or agreement  author to the F&I Legal Desk Book and
        percentage rate of interest, the finance  subsequent to the delivery of the required  frequently writes for Spot Delivery®. For
        charge, the amount financed, the total of  disclosures, the inaccuracy resulting  information, visit www.counselorlibrary.
        payments, and the total sale price.   therefrom does not constitute a violation  com. © 2018, all
                                             of … [TILA].” Therefore, the appellate  rights reserved. Single publication rights
        The appellate court found that the RIC  court held that the disclosures in the RIC  only, to the Association. (4/18). HC/4814-
        provided these disclosures clearly and  complied with TILA.               8603-6576v1.

                      we are.                                                  


                                                                                    GIADA Independent Auto Dealer APRIL 2018  |  37
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