Page 42 - GIADA-April-2018
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        Be Careful Who’s Driving your Vehicle

        Inventory: Document Operating Rules!

        By J. Eric Gregory, Attorney, Gregory Law Group, LLC,

        It was great meeting you this year at the  that if the driver was working when the  customer vehicles, revise your manual right
        Continuing Education (CE) seminars.  accident  occurred,  the  employer  is  most  now! We all know using a cell phone, texting
        Now, when I see a car with a dealer tag on  likely responsible. If a dealer’s employee  while driving and operating equipment are
        it, I think of you and the potential liability  was driving the car, but not performing  extraordinarily distracting, and studies
        you may face. For example, yesterday, I saw  job-related responsibilities, the dealer may  have shown distracted drivers can be as
        a young person driving a sports car with a  have a defense.               dangerous as drunken ones. Therefore,
        dealer tag on it. Her cell phone was resting                              you must prohibit your employees from
        on the steering wheel while she either  The dealer's liability is often determined by  using cell phones and similar devices while
        texted, snapchatted or something else that  if the employee was on a frolic or detour. A  driving any of your vehicles. If an employee
        distracted her.                      frolic is when what the employee is doing  needs to use a cell phone or send a text
                                             has nothing to do with his/her job. This  message, require them to pull over to a safe
        As I’m writing this article, House Bill 673,  may provide a dealer with the best chance  location and stop. Hands-free devices may
        a bill on distracted driving, has passed the  of getting out of liability. A detour occurs  be used while driving, provided you do so
        Georgia House. It must  go  to the Senate  when the employee makes a small deviation  safely.
        before it becomes law. If it does become  from their responsibility or activity as the
        law, it’ll require Georgia motorists to use  court  deems  is  job-related.  For  instance,  Make sure your employees know you
        hands-free technology while driving. Even  if an employee is delivering a vehicle and  expect them to devote their full attention
        without the law, the young lady was driving  stops to get gas and a donut, he/she is likely  to driving while they’re in your vehicles.
        distracted, breaking an existing law and  on a detour and the dealer will remain  Be  sure  you  can  show  it’s  printed  and
        putting the dealership at significant risk.  liable. The employer is still considered  acknowledged in your employee manual.
        Here  are  a  few  things  you  should  think  liable.                    Similarly, make sure employees, whose
        about when it comes to the cars being                                     duties involve the operation of vehicles,
        driven  with  dealer  tags,  policies  in  place  2. Don’t Let Family or Friends Drive   who may be called upon to operate a
        and liability:                       Inventory                            vehicle in the course of their job duties,
                                             You should be concerned if you’re letting  who  may  be assigned  a  demonstrator  or
        1. You’re Still Liable               your family or friends drive vehicles in your  receive a citation for a moving violation
        When an accident happens due to a driver's  inventory. If they get in an accident, you’re  or DUI/DWI (whether on or off the job),
        negligence, typically the negligent driver  most likely to be named in a lawsuit if one  report that in writing immediately. Also,
        is responsible. It makes sense to hold the  develops and you’d likely be liable. I know  mandate that any employee whose license
        driver accountable because if it wasn’t for  of a case where the child of a dealership  is suspended or revoked for any reason
        their negligence, the accident wouldn’t  owner rear-ended a motorcyclist who was  must report it in writing to their supervisor
        have  happened.  They’re  responsible  for  severely injured. The resulting jury verdict  immediately. Other driving policies should
        the damages that occur as a result of  put the dealer out of business. If the young  include a business purposes only rule,
        their negligence. But when the vehicle  man drove his own car or one owned by his  safe operation rule, reporting of accidents
        that causes the accident is owned by a  family, the dealership wouldn’t would still  immediately, driver’s liability policy, GPS
        dealership, the driver may not be the only  be in business. The liability you have when  tracking of  employees  driving  company
        liable party. In many instances, when a  others are driving your inventory could be  vehicles, test-drive routes and more.
        company  vehicle  is  in  a  crash,  it  may be  huge, so don’t just think of the damages to
        the dealer's responsibility to pay for the  the physical property (i.e. vehicles), think  Don’t set yourself or your business up for
        damages as the car is owned by them and  of the significant damages such as personal  failure! There are several risks you can’t
        they’re  responsible  for  what  the  driver  injury or death.            shield yourself from as a car dealer, so take
        is doing. The law has a doctrine called                                   time to mitigate the ones you can. If you
        "respondeat superior," where an employer  3. Update your Employee Policy   need help with this issue, drafting your
        is vicariously liable for what the employee  Manual                       policy manual or any other automotive-law
        does when the employee does it during the  If you don’t have rules in your employee  need, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
        course of the employment. This rule means  policy manual related to driving company or n

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