Page 44 - GIADA-April-2018
P. 44
Hubert Keller: Customer-driven Business
By Jordan Head, GIADA Marketing and Public Relations Manager
Hubert Keller, seasoned car dealer and do a lot to help, both in the community and he continued. “You can network with other
business owner, is the gold standard when internationally in places like Guatemala, vendors and dealers from other areas to see
it comes to customer service. Having and it’s just cool to be recognized. I’d like how they do things. It’s been very beneficial
worked in the used-car industry for over to give a shout out to Donnie Bazemore at and it’s really helped us. Bottom line, it
22 years and owning a dealership for 12 Southeastern Auto Auction. He’s the one more than pays for itself.”
of those years, he knows exactly what who nominated me for the award.”
it means to put the customer first. For It’s nearly impossible to work in an industry
Keller, this customer-oriented approach Though Keller deserves all of the praise for for more than 20 years without noticing any
has played a significant role in his his success over time, he acknowledges the major trends. Keller explained that sales
achievement as the 2017 Quality Dealer Georgia Independent Dealers Association aren’t what they were compared to last year.
of the Year Award recipient. (GIADA) for its role as a valuable resource
to used-car dealers. “It doesn’t seem like we’ve had quite the
“The most rewarding part of my job is push,” said Keller. “We’ve been busy, don’t
making people happy,” said Keller. “When a “Anytime we have problems we call get me wrong, but it’s not the craziness that
buyer has a problem, I take pride in helping GIADA, especially with title issues,” said I remember last year. I don’t think prices at
them out. We don’t want them to just take Keller. “The conventions have been a huge the auction have been that high compared
it or leave it, we want to help them work resource for finding new vendors like True to what they normally are. Now that the
through it. Car and others. money has really started to hit this month,
I’ve gone to auctions and I expect it to be a
“I was very excited to win the Quality Dealer “When you go to a convention, most of the little higher.”
of the Year Award,” he continued. “We try to time you can get your training out the way,” Continued on page 46
42 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer APRIL 2018