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4 Questions From a Customer’s Perspective
That You Should Know the Answers to
By Lindsey Patterson
As the customer prepares to buy a new get a better idea of this aspect of the cost of vehicle has more miles on it, the warranty Andy Turner, Mgr.
car, they may eagerly be looking forward ownership. may no longer be in effect. When buying a
to driving around in a stylish vehicle with pre-owned car from a dealership, you may
low miles that is in great condition. They What Are the Purchase Fees? be able to purchase an extended warranty
may be in the market for a brand new car Some auto buyers believe that the only cost for an additional fee. Melissa Johnson, Mgr.
or a gently-used vehicle. In both cases, to buy the vehicle is the car’s sales price,
they understandably need to make a smart but this is false. There are many other fees What Is the Vehicle’s History? Hiram
decision about your vehicle selection. The associated with the purchase that can add Asking about the vehicle’s history is not
car that they select needs to be in great up. For example, the financing charges, as important when buying a new car in Eric Forrister, Mgr.
condition and affordable for your budget. taxes, registration and delivery fees are some comparison to when you are buying a used
More than that, it should meet all of their of the other fees required to finalize the car. A new car typically has never been
needs. You can learn a lot about a vehicle by purchase. You may be able to roll some or owned before, but there is a chance that the
test driving it and reviewing it closely from all of these fees into your car loan. However, vehicle was used as a test drive model. This
inch to inch, but they also need to ask you you need to be approved for a large enough means that many people may have been in
some specific questions about the vehicle car loan amount to incorporate all of these and out of the car, and it may have more
so that they make a better decision. These additional expenses into your car loan. miles on it. However, it generally may still
questions are from their perspective. Remember that these expenses will also be in great condition. You may still be able
impact your monthly auto loan payment if to negotiate a discount if the car was used
Is the Vehicle Affordable to Insure? you roll them into your car loan. as a test drive model. When buying a pre-
One of the most significant factors that owned car, the vehicle’s history will tell you
affect the cost of your car insurance is What Warranty Is Available? if it has been involved in an accident and
the vehicle itself. The vehicle’s repair and If you have plans to purchase a brand new how frequently it has been serviced. These
replacement costs, its mileage and features, vehicle, you may be eager to own a vehicle factors can indicate whether the vehicle
how many miles you plan to put on the car that has years left on the warranty. Many should be priced on the higher or lower end
each year, its safety and security features new vehicles are sold with at least a three- of the market value spectrum.
and many other factors all play a role in year warranty, and some are sold with a six
the cost of insurance. Remember that your to ten-year warranty. Because the warranty It is easy to fall in love with the style of a new
own personal factors also impact insurance period varies substantially, take note of vehicle and with all of its amazing features.
costs, such as your age, gender, zip code and the availability warranty before finalizing Avoid making a hasty buying decision, and
driving record. While you can learn about your buying decision. If you plan to focus your attention on getting answers to
insurance affordability by speaking to the purchase a pre-owned vehicle, remember these important questions so that you can
seller or a dealership representative, you that a manufacturer’s warranty is usually make the most informed decision possible
also should request car insurance quotes to extended to a second owner. However, if the when buying your next vehicle. n
38 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer APRIL 2018