Page 38 - GIADA-April-2018
P. 38

THE CARLAWYER                     ©

        The CARLAWYER                                     ©

        By Thomas B. Hudson and Nicole F. Munro

        Here’s our monthly article on legal  Pennsylvania, Virginia,  New York,  and  collected as part of the challenged practices.
        developments in the auto sales, finance and  Illinois,  have  already  been  ramping  up  The orders against Travell Thomas, 4 Star
        lease world. This month, we’re reporting  their own enforcement efforts in consumer  Resolution LLC, Profile Management
        on  activities  of  the  Consumer  Financial  financial protection matters. We expect the  Inc., International Recovery Service LLC,
        Protection Bureau, the Federal Trade  number of state civil investigative demands  Check Solutions Services Inc., Check
        Commission and the courts. As usual, this  and enforcement actions to continue to  Fraud Service LLC and Fourstar Revenue
        month’s article features our “Case of the  increase.                      Management  LLC  and against Maurice
        Month.” Buy-here, pay-here dealers and                                    Sessum impose a $30 million judgment.
        finance companies should pay particular  Complain, Complain, Complain. On March  The order against Charles Blakely III and
        attention to all of this month’s activity  1, the FTC released its 2017 Consumer  Merchant Recovery Service, Inc. imposes
        involving debt collection.           Sentinel  Network  Data  Book.  The  Data  an $18,789,000 judgment. Both judgments
                                             Book includes complaints from 2.68  will be partly suspended upon the surrender
        Note that this column does not offer legal  million consumers, a decrease from 2016.  of certain assets. Assets to be surrendered
        advice. Always check with your lawyer to  Debt collection remained the top consumer  in these settlements include more than $1
        learn how what we report might apply to  complaint category, and complaints about  million in corporate and individual assets
        you, or if you have questions.       identity theft and imposter scams were the  frozen by the court. The full judgments will
                                             second and third most common types of  become due immediately if the defendants
               This Month’s CARLAWYER        consumer complaints.                 are found to have misrepresented their
                   Compliance Tip                                                 financial conditions. The action resulted in
        If  you collect  payments  from  your  auto  Report Card Time.  On March 20, the  14 guilty pleas from individuals involved in
        finance customers, it is time to review  CFPB issued its annual report to Congress  the scheme, including Travell Thomas and
        and refresh all your policies, forms and  on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.  Maurice Sessum, each sentenced to more
        procedures relating to that activity. It is  The report details the CFPB’s and FTC’s  than 7 years in prison.
        clear from recent developments that the  enforcement activities, education activities,
        CFPB and state attorneys general have debt  and policy initiatives conducted in 2017  This Just In. On Friday, March 23, Sen.
        collection abuses targeted, so you should  related to unlawful debt collection. The  Jerry Moran (R-KS) and 15 Republican
        be prepared to demonstrate that your  agencies share enforcement responsibilities  co-sponsors introduced a joint resolution
        compliance efforts are what they should be.  under the FDCPA, and in 2012 entered  pursuant to the Congressional Review Act
        Get  your  counsel  involved  in  the  effort  –  into  a memorandum  of understanding  that would invalidate the CFPB’s 2013 auto
        the law has been fluid in this area recently,  providing for coordination of enforcement,  finance guidance relating to fair lending
        and you’ll need some professional help.  sharing of supervisory information and  and disparate impact. The joint resolution,
                                             consumer complaints, and collaboration on  if passed by the Senate and the House and
                Federal Developments         consumer education.                  signed  by  the  president,  would  effectively
        It’s Your Turn.  On  February  28, during                                 preclude the CFPB from any rulemaking
        a state attorneys general conference,  Collection Violations Draw Stiff Penalties.  on this topic without express authorization
        CFPB  Acting  Director  Mick  Mulvaney  On March 22, the FTC and the New York  from Congress at some later date.
        encouraged state AGs to take the lead in  Attorney General’s Office announced a
        enforcement as  the  CFPB takes a  closer  settlement order banning the operators  So, there’s this month’s report. See you next
        look at its own enforcement role. The  of a deceptive and abusive debt collection  month!
        statements followed an internal memo  scheme  from  the  debt  collection  business
        Mulvaney circulated stating that the CFPB  and  from  buying  or selling  debt.  The   Case of the Month
        would no longer be "pushing the envelope"  agencies alleged that the defendants used  Edwin Rojas bought a used car from X
        and would try to refrain from " regulation  threats and abusive language, including false  Motorsport, Inc. He signed a buyer’s order
        by enforcement." Emphasizing that memo’s  threats that consumers would be arrested or  and a retail installment contract at the time
        themes, Mulvaney also said that the CFPB  sued, to collect supposed debts. The court  of the sale. The buyer’s order explicitly
        would prioritize enforcement where  halted  the operation pending resolution  incorporated the RIC and voided Rojas’s
        complaint volumes are highest (currently,  of the case. The orders  also prohibit the  obligation to buy the car if his financing
        that area is debt collection) and would focus  defendants from misrepresenting financial  was not approved. Rojas drove the car off
        more resources on consumer education.  products and services and from profiting  the lot the same day. Capital One, a finance
        State AGs, such as those in Massachusetts,  from customers’ personal information  company, refused to buy Rojas’s RIC. Rojas

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