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        Continued from page 40                   freeze or credit freeze on your credit   a safe place and be sure to shred them
        charged  for  something  that  you  expected   report restricts access to your credit   before getting rid of them.
        to be free. This will also help to make sure   file. Creditors typically won’t offer you  7.  Change your passwords for all of
        you don’t face unexpected fees, charges, or   credit  if  they  can’t  access  your  credit   your financial accounts and consider
        other limitations.                       reporting file, so a freeze prevents you   changing the passwords for your other
                                                 and others from opening new accounts   accounts as well. Be sure to create
           Credit monitoring and arbitration     in your name. In  almost all states, a   strong passwords and do not use the
                                                 freeze lasts until you remove it. In   same password for all accounts. Don’t
        In the initial response to the data breach,   some states, it expires after seven years.    use information such as addresses and
        people were concerned over an arbitration  3.  Set up a fraud alert. Fraud alerts   birthdays in your passwords. For more
        clause to enroll in Equifax’s TrustedID   require that a financial institution   tips on how to create strong passwords
        program for credit monitoring. Originally,   verifies  your  identity  before opening   read more on the Federal Trade
        this clause stated that claims and disputes   a new account, issuing an additional   Commission’s (FTC) blog .
        against the company would be settled by   card, or increasing the credit limit  8.  File your taxes as soon as you can. A
        arbitration, as opposed to in a court of law.   on an existing account. A fraud alert   scammer can use your Social Security
                                                 won’t prevent lenders from opening   number to get a tax refund. You can try
        In an update for consumers , Equifax     new accounts in your name, but it will   to prevent a scammer  from using your
        announced that it has removed the        require that the lenders take additional   tax information to file and steal your
        arbitration clause language from its terms   identification verification steps to   tax refund by making sure you file
        of use for the credit monitoring product,   make sure that you’re making the   before they do. Be sure not to ignore
        called TrustedID Premier. With this      request. An initial fraud alert only lasts   any official letters from the IRS and
        change, the company has stated that anyone   for 90 days, so you may want to watch   reply as soon as possible. The IRS will
        who enrolls in the company’s free credit file   for when to renew it. You can also set   contact you by mail; don’t provide any
        monitoring and identity theft protection   up an extended alert for identity theft   information or  account  numbers  in
        will  not  waive  their  right  to  pursue  legal   victims, which is good for seven years.  response to calls or emails.
        action or join a class-action lawsuit  4.  Read your credit card and bank  9.  Active duty servicemembers are
        concerning the cybersecurity incident or   statements carefully. Look  closely  for   eligible for additional protections,
        the TrustedID Premier product provided   charges you did not make. Even a small   and  should  also  monitor  their  credit
        in response to that incident, should you   charge can be a danger sign. Thieves   carefully. Learn more about what you
        choose.                                  sometimes will take a small amount   can do if you’re currently serving at
                                                 from your checking account and then   home or abroad.
          Top 10 ways to protect your personal   return to take much more if the small  10.  If you are the parent or guardian of
            information from being misused       debit goes unnoticed.               a minor and you think your child’s
                                             5.  Don’t ignore bills from people you   information has been compromised,
        1.  Review your credit report. You are   don’t know. A bill on an account you   here are some steps from the FTC you
            entitled to a free credit report every   don’t recognize may be an indication   can take  to protect their information
            12 months from each of the three     that someone else has opened an     from fraudulent use. If you think you
            major consumer reporting companies   account in your name. Contact the   or your child’s identity has already
            (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion).   creditor to find out.              been stolen you can follow checklists
            You can request a copy from  6.  Shred any documents with personal or    and additional steps provided by the
   .             sensitive information. Be sure to keep   FTC to begin recovering  from a case
        2.  Consider a security freeze. A security   hard copies of financial information in   of identity theft. n
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