Page 42 - GIADA-Oct 2017-Final
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        Top 10 Ways to Protect Yourself in the

        Wake of the Equifax Data Breach

        By Kristin Dohn

        Whether or not you are among the millions                                 service, if it makes sense for you, by visiting
        of people affected by the recent Equifax                         .
        data breach, there are several steps you
        can take to respond when your personal                                    Any time you are offered free credit
        information is exposed in a data breach.                                  monitoring, make sure you check for:
                                                                                   •  Trial periods
        We outlined several identity theft tips for                                •  Fees
        you last week. Since then, people have                                     •  Cancellation requirements
        been asking many questions and we will                                     •  Other restrictions, such as automatic
        continue to work to provide answers—or                                       renewals
        point people to other resources that may                                   •  Whether  you  are being  asked  to give
        help make the situation clearer.                                             your credit card, debit card, or bank
                                                                                     account information
        Free credit monitoring offered by Equifax
        Equifax is offering a free monitoring service                             If you don’t give your credit card, debit card,
        to anyone—not only those who are affected                                 or bank account information, that helps to
        by this breach. Since this is a free service,                             avoid getting automatically renewed and
        you  should consider  signing  up  for  this                              Continued on page 42

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