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THE CARLAWYER              ©

        Continued from page 34               FTC  Offers  Security  Help.    The  FTC  Although the purchase order stated “No
        Federal  Bill  Would  Ban  Sales  of  Used  released several blog posts as part of its  Refund of Deposit,” a salesman allegedly
        Cars With Open Recalls.  U.S. Senators  “Stick with Security” initiative to educate  told Freeman that the deposit would be
        Blumenthal (D-CT) and Markey (D-MA)  businesses about the best practices to secure  returned if A Better Way could not obtain
        and U.S. Representative Schakowsky (D-IL)  consumer data.  The FTC will publish a blog  financing for her.  Using an online calculator
        recently introduced legislation (H.R. 3449)  post every Friday for the next few months  and these figures, Freeman determined that
        to ensure that used vehicles containing  focusing on the 10 data security principles  her monthly payments would be about
        recalled, unsafe parts are repaired before  addressed in its “Start with Security” guide  $320, which she could afford.
        being sold or leased.  Dealers currently may  for businesses.  Based on information from
        sell or lease cars with outstanding recalls.   the FTC’s investigations and enforcement  Freeman provided a $2,500 deposit, and
        The Used Car Safety Recall Repair Act  actions and questions from businesses, the  A Better Way tried to secure financing.
        would require used car dealers to repair any  blog posts will use a series of hypotheticals  Freeman did not approve of the financing
        outstanding safety recalls before selling or  to illustrate the steps companies can take to  terms obtained by A Better Way, so she asked
        leasing used automobiles.            safeguard sensitive data in their possession.  for her deposit back.  The terms included
        Manufacturers and  new  car dealers  are  Case of the Month               ancillary  products  and  services  that
        prohibited from selling vehicles containing                               Freeman did not want, and the payments
        recalled parts, but no current law prohibits  Sharay Freeman went to A Better Way  were more than she could afford.  A Better
        used car dealers from selling or leasing  Wholesale Autos to buy a used car.  She  Way refused to give her deposit back and
        vehicles with open recalls.  The sponsors say  signed a retail purchase order, which set  attempted to arrange new financing.  Under
        that the proposed legislation addresses the  forth a cash purchase price of $10,995, a VIN  the new terms, the sale price of the car was
        gap in consumer protection that confuses  etch service fee of $198, a dealer conveyance  more than previously advertised, and the
        car buyers who believe they are buying a  fee of $598, sales tax of 6.35 percent, an  number of payments increased.
        product with safety assurances.  The House  unspecified amount for registration of the
        bill is co-sponsored by Representatives  vehicle, which she reasonably expected to  Freeman declined the new financing as
        Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Rush (D-IL), Butterfield  be under $150, and a deposit of $2,500.    well and sued A Better Way, claiming that
        (D-NC), and Matsui (D-CA).                                                it violated the Connecticut Unfair Trade

                      we are.                                                  


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