Page 39 - GIADA-Oct 2017-Final
P. 39

THE CARLAWYER              ©

        Practices  Act  and  engaged  in  fraudulent  interest for the advertised price and only  and competitors by drawing in customers
        misrepresentation.    The  trial  court  ruled  those additional charges that had been  with substantially lower prices than other
        in  favor  of Freeman,  awarding her  both  disclosed.  A Better Way failed to explain  dealers and then requiring customers to
        compensatory  and  punitive  damages,  and  that the deposit would be nonrefundable  buy extras to ensure that A Better Way still
        A Better Way appealed.               if  it  offered  any  financing  on  any  terms,  makes a profit.  Freeman v. A Better Way
                                             including terms that required Freeman to  Wholesale Autos, 2017 Conn. App. LEXIS
        The Appellate Court of Connecticut  purchase services she did not want or to  287 (Conn. App. July 18, 2017)
        affirmed the trial court’s decision.  In  pay more than the advertised price.
        finding  that  A Better  Way violated the                                 So there’s this month’s roundup!  Stay legal,
        CUTPA, the appellate court noted that A  As further support for its finding of  and we’ll see you next month. n
        Better Way expressly represented the cost of  unfairness, the appellate court found that A
        the vehicle, that there would be additional  Better Way violated the public policy of the  Tom  (  is  Of Counsel
        costs for sales tax, conveyance fees, a VIN  Truth in Lending Act by failing to disclose  and Nikki ( is a partner
        etch fee, registration, and unspecified  the financing terms to Freeman before  in the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLP.
        finance charges, and that Freeman’s deposit  requiring a substantial nonrefundable  Tom has written several books and is the
        would be returned if financing could not be  deposit  and  violated  Connecticut  publisher of Spot Delivery®, a monthly legal
        obtained.  The appellate court concluded  advertising regulations by failing to sell the  newsletter  for  auto  dealers.  He  is  Editor  in
        that these representations implied that there  car for the price advertised.  The appellate  Chief of CARLAW®, a monthly report of legal
        would be no other mandatory charges and  court also found that A Better Way acted  developments for the auto finance and leasing
        that a legal rate of interest would be charged  unethically by requiring Freeman to either  industry. Nikki is a contributing author to the
        and were made for the purpose of inducing  forfeit her deposit or accept financing  F&I Legal Desk Book and frequently writes
        Freeman to pay a substantial cash deposit.   terms that included unwanted products  for Spot Delivery. For information, visit www.
        Freeman reasonably interpreted these  and services or a higher price for the car © CounselorLibrary.
        representations  to  mean  that  her  deposit  than what was advertised.    com 2017, all rights reserved. Single
        would be refunded if financing could not  Finally, the appellate court found that A  publication rights only, to the Association.
        be obtained for the vehicle at a legal rate of  Better Way’s conduct harmed consumers  (9/17). HC# 4822-5260-6286

                                                                                  GIADA Independent Auto Dealer OCTOBER 2017  |  37
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