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THE CARLAWYER                     ©

        The CARLAWYER                                     ©

        By Thomas B. Hudson and Nicole F. Munro
        Here’s our monthly article on legal  consumer loans that the loans contained  and, just last month, the Bureau filed an
        developments in the auto sales, finance  “no hidden fees.”  According to the FTC’s  amicus brief in a Fair Debt Collections
        and leasing world.  This month, the action  complaint,  when  loan  funds  arrived  in  Practices Act case before the U.S. Court of
        involves the Consumer Financial Protection  consumers’ bank accounts, they were short  Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
        Bureau, the Federal Communications  of the amount expected by consumers
        Commission, the Office of the Comptroller  because of a hidden up-front fee the  Attention!    On  May  11,  the  OCC  issued
        of the Currency (OCC), the Federal Trade  company deducted from consumers’ loan  the “Military Lending Act” booklet of the
        Commission (FTC), the Government  proceeds.   The  FTC  also alleged  that  Comptroller’s Handbook for use by its
        Accountability Office and the President.   Lending Club falsely represented that  examiners when assessing compliance
        As usual, this month’s article features our  consumers’ applications had been approved  with the MLA.  The booklet reflects
        “Case of the Month.”                 by telling consumers, for example, that  the Department of Defense’s July 2015
                                             “Investors Have Backed Your Loan,” while  amendments and its interpretive rules
        Note that this column does not offer legal  knowing that many applicants would not  published in August 2016 and December
        advice.  Always check with your lawyer to  qualify for a loan.  In addition, Lending Club  2017.  The booklet includes, among
        learn how what we report might apply to  allegedly withdrew double payments from  other  things:  (1)  the  expansion  of  MLA
        you, or if you have questions.       consumers’ bank  accounts  and  continued  protections to a broader range of consumer
                                             to  charge  those  who  cancelled  automatic  credit products; (2) rules for determining the
               THIS MONTH’S CARLAWYER ©      payments or paid off their loans.  Finally,  fees and charges included in the calculation
                   COMPLIANCE TIP            the FTC alleged that the company failed to  of the military annual percentage rate and
        Are you completing your credit contracts  obtain consumers’ acknowledgements of its  for calculating the MAPR; (3) the optional
        and other deal documents correctly?   information-sharing policy.         safe  harbor methods  for identifying
        Have your completion instructions been                                    covered service members and dependents;
        approved in writing by knowledgeable  Here Come the Rules!   On May 10, the  (4) disclosures that creditors are required
        counsel?  If not, take a gander at our Case  Bureau released its Spring 2018 rulemaking  to  provide  to covered borrowers;  and (5)
        of the Month for an example of the sort of  agenda, announcing a goal of proposing  limitations on consumer credit extended to
        mischief an erroneously-completed form  a debt collection rule by the first quarter  covered borrowers.
        can create.                          of 2019.  The Bureau has already engaged
                                             in some early-stage debt collection  Will Somebody Answer That?  On
                FEDERAL DEVELOPMENTS         rulemaking activities under its Dodd-Frank  May 14, following the recent decision of
        We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Guidance.   Act authority to issue rules interpreting the  the  U.S.  Court  of  Appeals  for  the  D.C.
        On April 18, the U.S. Senate passed a joint  Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.  The  Circuit in ACA International v. FCC,
        resolution using its powers under the  Bureau indicated that the proposed rule  the FCC is seeking public comment on
        Congressional Review Act to vacate the  may address communication practices and  several significant issues related to the
        Bureau's March 2013 guidance for indirect  consumer disclosures.  The Bureau did  interpretation and implementation of the
        auto lenders on compliance with the Equal  not mention a schedule for when it might  Telephone Consumer Protection Act.
        Credit Opportunity Act and Regulation  address "right consumer, right amount"
        B.  In December 2017, the Government  rules.  Under Cordray, the Bureau had        CASE OF THE MONTH
        Accountability Office concluded that the  decided to split up the rulemaking, moving  Dealers complain that some legal violations
        CFPB's guidance was, when issued, a rule  forward  with  rules  related  to  collection  are merely “technical.”  That’s true – the
        subject to the CRA.  The House passed the  practices  and consumer  disclosures and  federal Truth in Lending Act is a rat’s nest
        resolution, and on May 21, President Trump  delaying "right consumer, right amount"  of technical requirements, and some of
        signed it.   While there is some uncertainty  rules  to  get  more  input  from  all  market  them are easy to violate.  Here’s an example.
        about  the  effect  of  the  repeal,  this  one  participants, but the status of these rules
        appears to be a positive development for  is unclear.  Although this is the first  Susana Mendoza bought a vehicle from
        the industry.                        formal, public action the Bureau has taken  Sidney Auto Sales, Inc., and financed the
                                             regarding debt collection rulemaking since  purchase by signing a retail installment
        FTC Doesn’t Want to Join Lending Club.   Mulvaney began leading the Bureau, debt  contract.  The RIC contained disclosures
        On April 25, the FTC filed a complaint  collection has been a focus for Mulvaney  required by the Truth in Lending Act.  The
        against  Lending  Club  Corporation for  since he took control of the agency.  He has  disclosures included a payment schedule
        making deceptive claims in its online  previously highlighted the high volume of  providing for 29 monthly payments of
        and mail advertisements for unsecured  consumer complaints about debt collection,  $351.58 beginning on January 20, 2017, and

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