Page 42 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
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        3 Reasons to Give your Sales Team more


        By Brandin Wilkinson, President / Owner at Woodworth Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Ltd.

        Dealerships can be systemized to the  of the sale. Start slow if that’s what makes  for their development, they become more
        point that it reduces creativity, new ideas,  you feel most comfortable, but at the very  productive, engaged, and more loyal.
        potential, and growth. This is particularly  least, start.                For your business, this means you’ll have
        true  in the sales  process.  While  structure                            less turnover, achieve better results, and
        is critical to success, there should be some   "’s important to have   have a culture that encourages trust and
        level of leniency otherwise it becomes   leadership and a culture         communication.
                                                that allows for mistakes to       It’s  easy  to  think  we’re  doing  enough  in
        Here are 3  reasons to give your  Sales   happen, as long as the sales    this category, but more often than not, we
        Consultant more independence;                                             aren’t.  Don’t  wait  for  a  sales  meeting  to
                                             consultant is held accountable       give  praise  and  recognition  to  someone.

            CLIENTS WANT LESS                   for the mistake and learns        Do it the moment you find out or witness
            INTERRUPTION DURING THE                       from it."               the event happen. You know how good it
       1PROCESS                                                                   feels to receive recognition for your efforts,
        I’ve sold and managed at a decent sized   Where could you delegate more during the   it has a direct impact on your confidence,
        dealership where we sold 800 total retail   sales process?                and confident people sell cars. So do that
        units annually, and also at a dealership                                  for your team!
        that’s half that size. Being a part of both   Ask your sales team what they feel could
        allowed me to see first-hand the pros and   improve the process, implement and lead   PROMOTES RESPECT FOR YOUR
        cons of having strict processes and more   the way!                           MANAGEMENT TEAM
        independence for the Sales Consultant.                                   3 By letting them make more decisions,
        From an Owners perspective, I prefer more   ENCOURAGES                    you’re giving them insight to what it’s like
        independence for the team.               ACCOUNTABILITY AND PRAISE        to  make  decisions  at  a  management  level
                                             2 People want to be held accountable so   which will lead to more respect from your
        We’re probably in agreeance that leadership   they can improve, or if they don’t, then you   sales  team  to  the  management  team.  I’m
        will yield higher returns than micro-  shouldn’t want them in your dealership.   not talking about the fake respect that
        management. If that’s true, then wouldn’t   And there are multiple benefits to receiving   tends  to happen  between  an inferior  and
        it make sense to give more freedom to   praise.                           their superior, but a true, genuine respect
        your sales team to make decisions with                                    because they are living it. They will have
        effective guidance of course, versus doing   It can be intimidating for the sales consultant   more appreciation for the pressure you face
        the deciding for them? I’m assuming you   to start making bigger decisions on behalf   on the multiple decisions you have to make
        hire from within for your Management   of the dealership. This is why it’s important   in a day.
        team if  that’s true, then  wouldn’t it make   to have leadership and a culture that allows
        sense  to  have  your  sales  team  grow  and   for mistakes to happen and as long as the   The respect that’s developed, because
        develop their management skills early   sales consultant is held accountable for the   it’s genuine, promotes a healthy culture
        with  your  leadership  rather  than  putting   mistake and learns from it. Allow them to   which has a positive impact on the entire
        them into the big office unprepared? And   share with you where things went wrong   dealership. This translates into more repeat
        I think it’s fair to say that confidence leads   and why then walk them through what they   and referral clientele which we all know is
        to more sales. If that’s true, wouldn’t your   did well and where they could improve.   the most valuable kind. It all starts by simply
        sales team feel more confident in making   From here, watch their development unfold   giving more control to your sales consultant
        quick decisions with the client? And when   and when it does, be sure to praise them.  over the deal. And by leading more and
        the sales consultant is confident, the client                             micro-managing less. Often times, it’s
        becomes confident in them as well.   There are multiple studies* that prove the   the  seemingly  subtle  improvements  you
                                             positive impact praise and recognition   implement in the business that makes the
        Setting up a culture like this requires trust,   has  not  only  on  the  sales  consultant  but   biggest difference. n
        empathy, and leadership. Take a step back   on  the  business  as  a  whole.  When  sales
        and let your sales team take more control   consultants are praised and recognized

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