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        Continued from page 34               or being replaced by someone who will  We’re able to identify who’s who and address
        reasons preventing dealers from moving  make the changes.                 each individual appropriately.
        to a completely transparent online sales
        process:                             As for transforming the sales management  I hear many dealers saying the business is
        •  Fear of change.                   team, we routinely address this issue during  changing so fast. Yet they aren’t. Do you
        •  The need to transform and/or replace a  the leadership and planning phase of our  want the market to pass you by? Do you
          long-term sales management team.   digital/transparent sales implementations.  want to gamble on hanging on to your old
                                                                                  best practices or catch up to what today’s
        The  Rikess  Group  has  been  addressing  We typically see one-third of managers  customers want? Change is a choice. Better
        these issues for more than two decades.  understanding the need for change and  to make it when you can afford to rather
        Change is tough, but you always want to  willing to help; one-third who wish to  than when you are forced to. n
        make  significant changes  voluntarily and  continue their traditional opaque/control
        when you can still retain a measure of  style of selling and will move to a dealership  Former dealer Mark Rikess is founder of The
        control over your destiny before external  where they can continue doing what they’re  Rikess Group, a consulting and training firm.
        forces make you change in ways you really  used to; and one-third who claim they will be  He is one of the original advocates of one-
        don’t want to deal with. For example:  supportive  while  hoping  the  transition  fails  price selling. He is atmarkrikess@gmailcom
        financial disaster, loss of the business, and/  and will actively or passively block progress.  and 916-715-8129.

                           CONVENTION & TRADE EXPO
                                      July 12-14, 2018
                            Hyatt Regency Savannah
                              CLICK TO REGISTER SO YOU CAN MEET MR. CAIN
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