Page 36 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
P. 36


        Customers Hate Car Dealership Haggling,

        So Why Do It?

        By Mark Rikess

        The data is overwhelming. Customers really
        dislike the cat-and-mouse negotiation
        process. Well over 80% are uncomfortable
        with it, and furthermore, don’t understand
        why they must endure a century-old
        process in an online, world.

        So why aren’t many dealers (who
        incidentally have great websites and full-
        time Internet Sales personnel) still not
        giving customers what they want?

        Because  most  dealers  and  sales  managers
        made their bones by being effective
        negotiators. This is what they know.
        They’re good at it. And a good part of
        that negotiating technique has involved
        controlling information.             conversation but via the telephone, website,  they’re ineffective in creating, staffing and
                                             text and chat. This is where the real close  managing a contemporary sales process.
        The problem is twofold.              takes place. What it takes to close these
                                             deals-at-a-distance is product knowledge,  The  lack  of  a  younger  sales  management
        First, because of the Internet, the  responsiveness and the delivery of value by  team usually saddles dealerships with the
        information-control ship has sailed.  providing clear and complete information.  antiquated control-and negotiation-based
                                                                                  sales process.
        Second, you can’t control a selling process  A  dealer  told  me  years  ago  that  the  way
        that isn’t really a selling process anymore.  to  win  online  is  by  “out-serving  your  OK, the old-timers are one thing, but I
        It’s a buying process largely completed  competition.”                    am  especially flummoxed by second-,
        at prospects’ homes and offices where                                     third- and fourth-generation dealers who
        dealership personnel have no leverage   When you go online to buy         continue the control/negotiation approach
        whatsoever.                            that laptop, smart watch or        when they must know they are out of step
                                                                                  with what today’s consumers look for when
        How’s  that  working  out?  One  of  my   camera, Amazon doesn’t say,     they shop: transparency, speed, simplicity,
        colleagues recently bought a new car. He   “You have to meet us at our    fairness and the customer in control.
        contacted three same-brand dealership   office before we can answer
        Internet departments. Two said “Give us                                   When you go online to buy that laptop,
        your phone number, we really need to talk.”   your questions.”            smart watch or camera, Amazon doesn’t
        One answered all questions via email and                                  say, “You have to meet us at our office
        text. Guess what? That’s where he bought  So back to the sales managers who want to  before we can answer your questions.”
        his car.                             continue doing what made them successful  Why would anyone consent to that when
                                             in the past. Most of them are easily in their  shopping for anything online? Especially
        Yet, many in our industry have not come to  50s and 60s and, like me (also not a young  nowadays when plenty of dealerships will
        grips with the fact that the main door of the  person), challenged by changes in people,  provide  fast,  transparent  information and
        dealership is no longer that glass rectangle  technology and the marketplace.   services. And competitive dealerships
        in the front of the building. It’s the glass                              aren’t the consumer’s only option any more.
        rectangle screen on prospective buyers’  At the same time, most dealers, (also not  Many  are turning  to Lyft, Uber,  Clutch,
        desks or in their hands.             spring chickens) are loyal to their sales  Fair, Flexdrive, Zipcar and other services.
                                             management teams, often having developed
        Prospects enter your showroom online,  close family relationships. It’s hard for a  All that said, I understand the two primary
        and interact  not through face-to-face  dealer to replace loyal managers, even if  Continued on page 36
        34  |  GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018
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