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AIADA Adds Google as Newest Affinity Partner
By Auto Remarketing Staff
Now members of the American International “Today’s announcement marks the addition strategist at Google and Peter Leto, head of
Automobile Dealers Association say they’re of Google’s innovations in web search and industry automotive retail sales at Google.
going to “Google” something, it could have a advertising that have made its website a McNearney and Leto plan to discuss:
vastly different meaning. top Internet property and its brand one of 1. The latest data on automotive shoppers
the most recognized in the world,” AIADA 2. How to identify and communicate with
On Wednesday, AIADA announced a new president Cody Lusk said. customers in your market
affinity partnership with Google.
“As our members move their marketing
The association highlighted that Google’s dollars from more traditional advertising There are two opportunities to watch the
automotive team supports manufacturers venues to online, it is increasingly important webinar on June 19 with a session set for 10
and dealers by enabling them to reach the that we have partnerships to help them a.m. ET and another session scheduled for 4
right audience with the right message in the navigate this crucial transition to the web,” p.m. ET. Store personnel can register for the
right moments. Lusk continued. free event by going to this website.
The team is responsible for bringing the best Meanwhile, AIADA and Google are AIADA emphasized that it researches
of Google’s consumer insights, both national collaborating on a free webinar to help hundreds of companies serving the
and regional, to their clients to empower managers and their store teams in a session automobile industry and selects only those
them to make more informed marketing titled, “Modern Search for Automotive firms that provide the highest value and
and business decisions. Dealerships.” quality products, sales, and services to
participate in the member benefits program
Google is the only company endorsed by The free webinar will be presented by as an affinity partner. For more information,
AIADA in this unique online space. Kelly McNearney, senior automotive visit n
30 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018