Page 27 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
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Southern Pik-A-Part of Columbus
                                             866-727-5317                         We are the cutting edge of the full
                                                            service used auto parts industry! Lowest
                                             We are committed to your success. Every   Pricing Guaranteed!
                                             day, AutoZoners do whatever it takes to   __________________________________
        Foundation Ambulance, Inc.           help you manage your shop efficiently,   The Parts Farm
        678-826-2219                         train your technicians, and maximize   912-526-3080              your profits. With Team AutoZone,
        We sell ambulances, but have a full-  you can take advantage of a wealth of   Call us today about putting an engine
        service Paint, Body, Upholstery &    services specifically tailored to meet   kit together for your street rod, retro
        Graphics departments available for   the needs of the auto repair industry.    conversion or kit car!
        general auto repairs or vehicle wraps, etc.   AutoZone, IMC and ALLDATA work   __________________________________
        10% Discount to GIADA members        together for you, to deliver an integrated,   Utility Trailer Sales of Georgia
                                             all-in-one approach that promises to help  888-489-4966
                 PARTS & SERVICE             you get more mileage out of your
        Aamco Transmissions and Total Car    business plan.                       Transportation Trailer & Parts Sales
        Care Hiram                           __________________________________
        770-627-5582                                                                           PRINTING
        At your local, independent AAMCO
        Hiram, GA, we provide you with expert   Cooper Tire
        repair and service for your TOTAL Car   419-889-2083
        Care needs!                                    Lewis Color, Inc.
        __________________________________   For Sales - Kevin Kummerer           800-346-0371
        Amerifleet Transportation, Inc.      __________________________________
        404-432-4611                         Dealer Products and Specialty        Printing, Promotional & Marketing Needs                       Services LLC               
        Repair & Maintenance on Vehicles     828-446-0763
        In Route; Vehicle Transportation and   __________________________________   PROMOTIONAL & MARKETING
        Temporary Storage of Vehicles        Hallman Recycling LLC
        __________________________________   706-485-8106
        Associated Fuel Systems Inc.
        404-361-1361                         Hallman Recycling LLC is a family            owned and operated business. We
        Full service truck repair shop. We can   are a full service, customer friendly,
        diagnose all your minor & major diesel   metal recycling company with a   Accessory Distributing Co Inc.
        repair needs down to the most difficult   very knowledgeable staff. We offer   770-745-8446
        troubleshooting issues.              competitive prices on all types of metals,
        __________________________________   batteries and cans.                  Key Tags, Chemicals, Pin Stripping,
        Auto Doctor, Inc.                    __________________________________   Magnets
        770-479-9339                         Headlights 101                       We are a family owned company since                  770-461-5974                         1966. We offer a variety of dealing
        Canton, GA - We are a collision center. We            supplies and paperwork needed for
        work on all makes & models. Restorations   __________________________________  a new or used car dealership. We also
        of cars & trucks. Free Estimates                                          service body shops and car detail shops.
                                             Mr. Perfect Customs                  10% off any Yeager brand product (one-
                                             678-540-7750                         time use). 10% off your first custom auto
                                                    plate order.
                                             We provide a variety of auto custom   __________________________________
                                             services, including auto sales, auto   Meeting Street Graphics
                                             interior restoration, window tint, auto   205-497-0520
                                             accessories sales and installation.
                                                                                  Personalized Drive-Out Tags

                                                                                     GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018  |  25
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