Page 25 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
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INSURANCE/SURETY BONDS            Founders Insurance Group
                                             FSB America                          Reeves Insurance Agency
                                             888-786-2663                         770-949-0025
        Agency @ Mallory                        
        706-402-6166                         We have been successful in contract, bid,   Reeves Insurance Associates is an indepen-                    performance, payment, maintenance,   dent insurance agency and has been a
        Mallory Agency is a 111 year old insurance   license, permit and many other bonds   member of the GIADA for 18 years. We’ve
        brokerage and risk management        by listening to each client, providing   gained knowledge and understanding
        consulting firm serving clients nationally.    fast service and competitive rates and   of the used car dealer industry through
        Our senior level carrier relationships   negotiating the largest possible bond   our relationship with the GIADA and can
        remove any resistance to quickly place   programs.                        provide the proper insurance coverage
        your risk in the property and casualty   __________________________________  for used car dealers’ needs.
        marketplace.                                                              __________________________________

                                                                                  Ron E. Widener & Associates
        Absolute Surety LLC                                                       770-941-0293
        407-674-7940                         Georgia Insurance Associates, Inc.                   678-985-0944                         Bonds, Garage Liability, DOL, WC,
        Surety Bonds                                      Property & Rental Car Insurance
        10% discount for members             Bonds, Garage Liability, Dealers Open   __________________________________
        __________________________________   Lot, Workers Compensation, Property,
        American Risk Services               Home, Auto
        678-366-7279                         __________________________________             Hardegree Insurance Agency
        Customized Collateral Insurance for   770-390-0888
        BHPH Dealers & Finance                    S. Brown & Associates, Inc.
                                             Garage Liability, Auto Inventory, & Bonds  973-270-2270
                                             LST Insurance Agency                 S. Brown & Associates, Inc. is a provider
                                             706-277-0971                         of “POINT of SALE INSURANCE” to auto
                                                              dealerships.  All insurance programs
                                             Whether you need Trucking, Business,   are underwritten by AM BEST “A” rated
                                             Home, Auto or Toy insurance, we have
        Cornerstone Insurance Group                                               insurance carriers.
        800-257-9999                         what you need at competitive prices.   __________________________________            At LST Insurance Agency, our goal is to   Surety Bond Girls
        We offer Bonds, Garage Liability, Dealers   provide you with courteous, expedient,   678-694-1967
        Open Lot, Rental Program Insurance,   professional service of the highest caliber.
        Property Insurance, Tow Truck Insurance,   __________________________________  Surety Bonds, Title Bond Delivery in
        Car Hauler Insurance, Workers        Mall of Georgia Service Solutions    Atlanta Area
        Compensation and more.               678-804-2111                         __________________________________
        __________________________________                     Tabb Insurance Agency
                                             Dealers Insurance, Service Contracts,   770-483-1800
                                             Warranty Programs, GPS Waivers, Tire &
                                             Wheel Protection                     Competitive Insurance Programs for your
        D. Ward Insurance                                                         Personal & Commercial Coverage Needs;
        770-974-0670                         Nicholson Agency; The Insurance                   Mart Inc.
        We offer Bonds, Garage Liability,    706-492-3234
        Dealers Open Lot, Rental Program     __________________________________
        Insurance, Property Insurance, Tow Truck   Primeco Insurance
        Insurance, Car Hauler Insurance, Workers   770-971-8452
        Compensation and more. Since 1988 - All
        Types - Business & Personal          Bonds, Garage Liabilities, Dealers Open
                                             Lot, Workers Compensation, Property
                                                                                     GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018  |  23
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