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        RouteOne, LLC                                                             1803 Capital LLC
        248-229-5170                         Wayne Reaves Computer Systems, Inc.  503-657-0440                         800-701-8082 or 478-474-8779
        Dealer Management Systems /                      Maximize your chances for approval
        Compliance & Red Flag Tools / Web-Based   Computer Software / Dealer      by partnering with 1803 Capital LLC to
        Credit Applications /                Management Systems and Dealer        add a team of experienced buyers who
        Automated Vehicle Value Tools        Website Provider                     specialize in approving customers with
        __________________________________                                        challenged credit.
                                                   DEALER SOFTWARE                __________________________________
                                             Automatrix Dealer Software           ABC Loan Company
                                             954-699-4586                         706-860-3279 ext 117
        Selly Automotive                                  Independently owned and operated for
        888-246-1372                         Automatrix is the only total dealer   over 13 years offering lines of credit to                  management software, We have taken   Buy Here Pay Here dealers looking for
        Selly Automotive is an affordable and   the dealer management solution and   growth.
        intuitive cloud-based sales software built   turned it on it’s head by offering one   __________________________________
        from the ground up for Independent &   of the only total solutions, offering   ADS of Georgia
        BHPH dealers. Selly is a full CRM & ILM   everything a dealer needs to operate   404-316-3299
        solution that allows dealers to manage   their business. At Automatrix managing
        internet leads and customer follow-ups.   business flow is our businsess.  Financing / Extended Warranty
        Selly also integrates with major DMS,
        website, and lead providers.                 DEALER TRAINING              __________________________________
        __________________________________                                        Agora Data Inc.
                                             NABD BHPH Academy                    877-592-4672
                                                            We are data, process and secondary
                                             Collection Academy                   market experts that integrate all
        Tire Profiles, LLC                   __________________________________   stakeholders in automotive finance.
        844-276-3024                                                              __________________________________
        Drive Profits In Your Dealership Through
        Unique Customer Retention Strategy!  Auto Auction Training LLC
        __________________________________   678-612-6933
        813-440-0193                         How to attend used auto dealer auctions                       and registe-inspect- and purchase with
        TradeAutoX invites GIADA members to   success. The entire process is taught   AllCredit Acceptance Company, LLC
        join an exclusive online network which   by a professional used auto dealer   866-803-5128
        includes access to an online marketplace   teachingthe secrets that you need to
        to buy and sell an  unlimited number   know prior to placing your first bid. Learn   Financing needs for Independent Used
        of cars. TradeAutoX offers on-demand   from the pros.                     Auto Dealers & Customers
        buying and selling from front line ready   $20 discount when registering; "Select   Close on your first deal & receive an
        to salvage vehicles.                 Member" then type in GIADA to receive   additional $250.00 on your first Check.
        TradeAutoX offers GIADA members the   an immediate discount               (This applies to new dealer accounts only.)
        first month of membership on us! A                                        __________________________________
        Savings of $ 595.00!                             EMISSIONS
        __________________________________   Georgia’s Clean Air Force
                                             Your resource for Georgia’s Vehicle   American Credit Acceptance
                                             Emissions Inspection & Maintenance   866-202-6912
        vAuto                                Program                              Consumer Auto Finance Company
        877-828-8614                                                              providing financial solutions from                                                                 coast-to-coast.
        Software solutions that can help solve                                    Free enrollment for your dealership. Call
        your inventory challenges                                                 866-202-6912 to start the enrollment
                                                                                  process today!
                                                                                     GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018  |  19
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