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Williams and Stazzone Insurance 954-821-1138
Agency, Inc. Gregory Law, LLC
800-868-1235 770-217-5524 is an excellent marketing tool to help independent
We are garage liability specialists and A practicing attorney who knows the car dealers sell more vehicles. It allows the
are proud members of the GIADA. In business from the inside out and has the dealer to give each customer two years
business for nearly 30 years, our programs ability to look at client’s dealerships from of free maintenance on a sold vehicle,
represent stability for your dealership. We an attorney’s perspective with a dealer differentiating the dealer from other
have exclusive garage liability markets. We principal’s experience dealers in the market.
are also daily rental and leasing specialists. Discounts available through GIADA Legal GIADA members receive a $200 savings
Our start up daily rental program has Resources on the first three months with a three
been helping dealers add daily rentals __________________________________ month or longer agreement. New dealer
for decades. Find out what a specialized sign-ups only.
agency can do for you.
__________________________________ MANAGEMENT CONSULTING
WoodmenLife Jacobs & King, LLC C.A.P.O Consulting
678-447-1161 404-920-4490 770-527-1304 __________________________________
JulieDermer We’ve built our reputation by telling Furniss Consulting
WoodmenLife offers Life Insurance, clients what they need to know, not what 770-252-4214
Investments, Employee Benefits, Buy they want to hear.
Sell Insurance, Key Person Insurance, __________________________________ ONLINE MARKETING
Health, Dental, Vision, 401Ks, Roths
and Annuities. We are a Not-for-Profit
Fraternal Insurance company with
a mission to provide members with
financial security while making a SpinCar
difference in your community. 646-692-3535
__________________________________ Lefkoff Law, LLC
Zurich Insurance 404-482-2228 SpinCar® is a comprehensive automotive
888-840-8842 ext. 7449 merchandising platform in use by Lefkoff Law is a general practice law firm thousands of dealers in the USA,
Bonds, Rental, RV, Garage Liability, Open that specializes in the representation of hundreds internationally across 12
Lot, Property GIADA dealers and associated finance countries, and several OEMs. SpinCar’s
companies in fair business practices Mobile Capture Application increases
LEGAL act litigation, insurance disputes, photographer efficiency by 2-3x
government investigations, employment, while guaranteeing photographic
and much more. Lefkoff Law - Integrity. consistency and promoting higher
Solutions. Results. inventory coverage ratios. SpinCar’s
50% off initial consultation for GIADA 360° WalkAround® display is proven
Barron & Newburger PC members to increase website dwell times and
404-870–8077 __________________________________ conversion rates by providing a more Lefkoff, Rubin, & Gleason, PC interactive experience. Finally, SpinCar’s
Providing auto dealers in Georgia with 404-869-6900 reporting provides unprecedented
legal defense, compliance advice and consumer insights that foster customer-
training, and general legal Creditors’ Rights, Bankruptcy, tailored sales conversations and
counsel. (See more at Foreclosures and Collections marketing.
in/bradelbein) __________________________________
Macey, Wilensky, Kessler & PAINT & BODY
Hennings, LLC AP Auto Repair Shop
404-584-1200 404-519-3560 Douglasville, GA
Bankruptcy, Creditor’s Rights, and __________________________________
Financial Services Courson’s Paint & Body Shop, Inc.
Body Shop
24 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018