Page 23 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
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Peoples Financial Valdosta
        Auto Loans, Direct or Indirect, Secondary
        $50 CASH for a cash advance of $3k-$5k
        or $100 CASH for a cash advance greater   Spartan Financial Partners
        than $5k on any automobile contract   855-233-3605
        financed by Peoples! - Offer expires               United Acceptance Inc.
        12/31/2018                           BHPH Line of Credit                  877-281-2360
        __________________________________   Free portfolio analysis! Call 855-233-3605
                                             today!                               Account Purchase, Bulk Receivables
                                             __________________________________   __________________________________
                                             Spring Tree Financial, LLC
        Peritus Portfolio Services           404-870-7087
        866-831-5954 #2                              In-direct lenders, finance
        Peritus Portfolio Services specializes   __________________________________
        in the purchasing of open Chapter 7 &
        13 bankruptcy accounts. We can also
        help you with: Performing Paper, Line                                     Wells Fargo Dealer Services
        of Credit/Floor Plans, Charge Offs, &                                     888-937-9997
        Payment Streams                                                 
        __________________________________                                        We’ve provided auto dealers with
        PTS Financial Services               Strategic Dealer Services            integrated financial services solutions
        706-602-0597                         214-838-1212                         for over 65 years-featuring a broad                            credit spectrum of indirect auto
        Reach your financial goals. Our premium   We fuel your cash flow through our   financing, quick credit decisions, and
        services increase  revenue, build    Direct Advance and Bulk Purchasing   fast funding of qualified retail contracts.
        customer loyalty, and strengthen your   Programs, allowing you to grow your   Our commercial dealer partners provide
        brand.                               business as you accommodate your retail   deposit, treasury and merchant services.
        __________________________________   customers’ automobile financing needs.   __________________________________
        Road Auto Finance                    __________________________________
        Quality & Professional lending. We                                        Westlake Financial Services
        provide automotive financing to                                           888-389-3532
        consumers through our trusted dealer                            
        partners.                                                                 From first-time buyers, prime to sub-
        __________________________________                                        prime lending, floor plan financing,
                                             Sterling Credit                      portfolio acquisition, and access
                                             706-830-3045                         to dealership management tools,
                                           Westlake Financial Services is your
        SDA                                  Buy Bulk Receivables                 full-spectrum finance solution!
                                                                                  Headquartered in Southern California,
        800-467-5172                         __________________________________   Westlake Financial is a technology-based,                           Style Financial Acceptance           privately held finance company that
        SDA, located in Georgia, has been a   770-949-8598                        specializes in helping dealers grow their
        nationwide provider of capital to the                       business through a variety of dealership
        BHPH industry for over 25 years. We   Account Purchase Program, Point of Sale,   financing options. Westlake has a
        purchase accounts and let the dealer   Bulk                               network of over 50,000 new and used
        continue to collect. Raise the capital you   __________________________________  auto and motorcycle dealers throughout
        need…without giving up control of your   U. S. Auto Credit Corporation    the United States.
        accounts.                            877-280-9267
                                             Specialty automobile financing for
                                             sub-prime credit customers

                                                                                     GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018  |  21
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