Page 17 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
P. 17

Here's Why Expensive Cars

                                  Aren'tAlways Reliable

                                                        By Jeff Glucker

        When    you  think  about  expensive  the top is up or down. Additionally, there's  two to three years occupied by a leased car.
        automobiles, there's one data point that  an air quality sensor which makes sure  During that period, any faults that might
        doesn't often enter into the discussion.  the air the occupants are breathing and  pop up are covered. And then the well-to-
        That would be reliability.           experiencing is as good as it should be.  do owner moves on to the next latest and
        It seems the more you spend on a car, the  That's just the climate control system,
        less reliable it becomes. But is that truly  which utilizes 18 actuators just to keep  Fesnke makes a great point that the
        the case? Jason Fenske from Engineering  the cabin cozy. Now multiply the amount  automakers in  this  space  are  building  a
        Explained is here to examine this idea, see  of sensors, actuators, filters, wires, fuses,  feature-packed vehicle aimed at the dollars
        if it holds up, and discuss why it might not  and other controlling elements used by the  of those who will only own their car for a
        really matter in the end.            myriad systems present in a car like the  few years. So you wind up with a car that
                                             Benz S560.                           has a massive list of things it can do, and
        The conversation unfolds as Fesnke pilots                                 over time some of those things will act up.
        a Mercedes-Benz S560 Cabriolet. It's a  With greater amounts of controllable
        $155,000  drop  top filled  with  all  manner  and adjustable features, there is a greater  But it doesn't matter as much to those who
        of technology and upscale features. This  amount of items that can fail or act up. But  need to be first...their future car problems
        Benz is a great platform to use as an  they're not likely to do so during the initial  are left to the second and third owners of
        exploratory element in the discussion. For  period of ownership. And that's just fine  the car. The result, of course, tends to be
        example, the climate control system adjusts  for the initial owner of a luxury vehicle.  huge depreciation. n
        automatically based upon whether or not  The typical ownership period these days is

                                                                                     GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018  |  15
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