Page 13 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
P. 13


        Regulatory Compliance Should Top Every

        Dealer’s Mind, To-do List

        By Arlena Sawyers, Correspondent
        Regulatory compliance is every dealer’s  some vehicles’ advertised prices were differ-  “Finance or lease advertisements that con-
        business.                            ent from their actual prices. The actions and  tain certain trigger terms such as monthly
                                             allegations involved vehicles that had add-on  payment and APR must also include certain
        That means issues such as advertising compli-  products installed on them, she said.  other additional disclosures required under
        ance, data and cybersecurity and making sure                              federal rules,” Miller said.
        consumers know or can find out when the ve-  Brad Miller, director of legal and regulatory
        hicle they purchase has an open recall, should  affairs at the National Automobile Dealers  Also helpful to dealers is NADA’s Regulatory
        be near the top of every dealers’ to-do list, ac-  Association, agrees that dealers should take  Maze, its annual updated list of major federal
        cording to dealer trade groups, attorneys, and  advertising compliance very seriously as does  regulations, Miller said.
        others that represent dealer interests.  the Federal Trade Commission. He too, has
                                             seen “literally dozens” of advertising enforce-  Released in March 2018, the 12-page docu-
        And if you think changes at the Consumer  ments brought by the FTC and other regula-  ment contains brief descriptions and guide-
        Finance Protection Bureau will give dealers a  tors.                      lines of dozens of federal laws such as IRS
        little breathing room, take a deep breath.                                treatment of demonstration vehicles, employ-
                                             NADA recently issued an advertising compli-  ee drug testing and the Fair Credit Reporting
        Then consider this:                  ance guide that highlights things that raises  Act.
                                             red flags with the FTC, Miller said.  Continued on page 32
        States are stepping-up their scrutiny of fi-
        nancial services companies and dealers, and
        if the CFPB finds a violation of law make no
        mistake about it, the agency will do its job,
        said Shaun Petersen, senior vice president,
        legislative and government affairs at the Na-
        tional Independent Automobile Dealers As-

        “The acting director (Mick Mulvaney, who is
        also director of the Office of Management and
        Budget) has said, we’re not going to push the   Sunsets are beautiful, unless
        envelope, not going to overstep boundaries or
        limits, creating things that aren’t there, but if    it’s your GPS network.
        there are things that need to be addressed, we
        are going to address them,” Petersen said.

        “One other thing we’ve seen with the CFPB            Switch now to 4G LTE.
        and the acting director is that he has come out
        and said ‘state attorneys general, you need to      4G LTE is the only cellular network that will be growing, leaving
        take a bigger role, a lot of this you should be     behind older technologies. If you are looking for a long term
        doing.’  It’s not just specific to dealers.”        solution, look at our 4G LTE GPS trackers.
        Patty Covington, a partner at Hudson Cook,             Find out how much more SVR Tracking can do for you besides
        agrees that state attorneys general have   basic locate.  You’ll be amazed at how far we’ve come!
        stepped-up their scrutiny of financial services      Call, Email or Text.  We pride ourselves on providing the best training and
        which includes dealers and “in New York and   support in the industry supported by a 3 year hardware warranty.
        New Jersey, I’ve seen several enforcement ac-
        tions against dealers.” More actions against
        dealers                                         Visit us online at
        The New Jersey attorney general brought              Call or text 770-871-0051.
        actions against dealers amid allegations that        E-Mail               ARA GPS

                                                                                     GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018  |  11
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