Page 14 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
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Sandra Gresham: A Driving Force
By Jordan Head, Marketing and Public Relations Manager
Thanks to her strong-management style and meetings. It was also a valuable tool in
and keen-business sense, she’s been able to marketing Auto Finance.”
mold dealers, associates and employees to
success. In 2010, Sandra successfully built Auto
Finance into a company with a 94 mil-
Though her career can’t be described us- lion-dollar portfolio. Shortly after, she sold
ing a single word, resilient would be near the company to American Credit Accep-
the top of the list of words that define her tance and worked with the company as an
career. Besides, you’d have to be durable to executive until her retirement.
last in the used-car industry.
As far as her plans for the future, Sandra
“There were a million challenges every said she plans to enjoy the retired life.
day,” said Gresham. “Running a business
is a tremendous challenge, with the search “Today, since I’ve retired, I’m on the used-
for valuable employees being the greatest. car board,” said Gresham. “I live in a condo
I was blessed to have many wonderful em- in Buckhead now. A great deal of my time
Most extensive careers have their fair share ployees that worked hard and loved their was spent caring for my mother until she
passed. I’ve traveled some, but not a lot. I’ve
of achievements, as well as trials and tribu- jobs.” been visiting friends and family and learn-
lations. Sandra Gresham, Secretary of State As stated earlier, most drawn-out careers ing how to be lazy. It’s quite fun."
Used Car Board member and Founder, for- have their fair share of successes and chal-
mer President and CEO of Auto Finance, lenges. Sandra said many of Auto Finance’s “I hope I can do something good for my so-
knows this all too well. Over the course of triumphs came from their involvement ciety and the world,” Gresham continued.
26 years, she’s been a driving force in the with GIADA. “I’d like to travel and watch all my nieces
used-car industry. and nephews grow up to become good peo-
“I benefited from GIADA from two sides ple.”
“I was the owner of Auto Finance in Forest of the used-car business,” said Gresham.
Park, GA,” said Gresham. “We purchased “I had a used-car license for many years To learn how GIADA can be a valuable as-
retail-sales contracts from used-car dealers and I founded a company that purchases set in marketing your business, contact Jor-
in Georgia. I founded Auto Finance in 1989 retail-sales contracts. My association with dan Head, Public Relations and Marketing
with a mission to offer customers a chance GIADA proved valuable in my exposure to Manager at n
to drive quality cars while reestablishing customers who showed up to conventions
their credit.”
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azine publications and on our social media pages. awareness and credibility for your company with-
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12 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018