Page 10 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
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        Three Pointers to Maximize Purchased

        Unit Profitability

        by Dale Pollak, Chairman and Founder of vAuto, Inc.

        I’ve heard more complaints lately from  able to acquire all the inventory they need  3. FOCUS ON FASTER SALES
        dealers that it seems impossible to acquire  from trade-ins.              VELOCITY. Ideally, there shouldn’t really
        wholesale inventory and make the front-                                   be any difference in the number of days it
        end gross profit they expect.        Once dealers recognize this reality, they  takes to sell purchased or trade-in units.
                                             are better able to understand that it’s  Time is money with every used vehicle and,
        Indeed, if you compare the typical Cost to  imperative to efficiently find the most  given the Cost to Market disparity between
        Market metrics for purchased and trade-  profit-favorable vehicles at auction, and  purchased and trade-in units, it’s even more
        in units, you can see why some dealers are  apply an appropriate amount of cost  important that you retail auction vehicles as
        complaining.                         discipline  to  acquire  the  most  profit-  efficiently and fast as you can.
                                             favorable  units.  The  dealers  also  know
        The  typical  Cost to  Market range  for  that, sometimes, it makes more sense to  But here’s the reality in inventories across
        auction-purchased  units tends to  run  simply acquire the vehicle, rather than  America: Purchased units typically take
        between 85 percent and 90 percent (a  walk away.                          longer to retail, and they often make up
        ratio that includes the cost to acquire                                   70 percent to 80 percent of a dealer’s aged
        the vehicle, buy/transportation  fees and  In such circumstances, even if a vehicle’s  vehicles.
        reconditioning estimates).           Cost to Market parameters aren’t as
                                             favorable as you’d like, the opportunity  You can usually trace this problem back
        Meanwhile, dealers who acquire a higher  to retail the unit, and generate additional  to the “pride trap” noted above. When
        percentage of trade-in units (based on  gross profit in service/F&I and potentially  used vehicle managers are too proud of a
        their  look-to-book  ratios)  tend  to  bring  secure  another trade-in vehicle, can  purchased unit, they’ll set an initial asking
        in these vehicles at a Cost to Market range  outweigh the inherently higher acquisition  price higher than it should be, given
        between 80 percent and 85 percent, or  cost.                              competing units in the market and the
        even less.                                                                unit’s initial Cost to Market ratio. Such
                                             2. AVOID THE “PRIDE TRAP.” It’s not  decisions make the vehicle less appealing
        This Cost to Market disparity between  uncommon for used vehicle managers  to price-smart buyers, and slow its eventual
        purchased and trade-in units can mean  and buyers to come back from an  retail sale.
        as much, and sometimes more, than a 10  auction, feeling pretty proud of what
        percent difference in the potential margin,  they purchased. Such is the psychological  Top-performing dealers mitigate this
        or spread, between the cost to acquire the  nature of the auction-buying format.  temptation by striving to maintain at least
        units and their prevailing retail asking  Your bid is the winner! But, on the other  55 percent of their inventories under 30
        prices.                              hand, your winning bid might also mean  days of age. These dealers will also strive
                                             you simply paid more than anyone else to  to keep their days to sale average consistent
        When dealers ask me for  advice  on how  acquire the vehicle.             across their purchased and trade-in units.
        best to deal with this disparity, I’ll share                              Both types of oversight tend to drive more
        three pointers:                      To  test  this  dynamic,  I’ll  sometimes  market-realistic pricing decisions that
                                             compare the Cost to Market ratios for  maximize every unit’s front-end gross
        1. RECOGNIZE THE REALITY.  The  essentially identical vehicles a dealer  profit potential and sales velocity.
        Cost to Market differences shouldn’t  acquired  via  auctions  and  trade-ins.  The
        surprise  anyone. Since  the  dawn  of the  comparison typically reveals the Cost to  Dealers who make these pointers part of
        used vehicle business, dealers are more  Market disparity noted above—the cost of  their wholesale acquisition process tend
        likely to acquire the most cost- and profit-  the purchased unit runs about 10 percent  to complain less about the high cost of
        favorable inventory at the curb, rather  higher than the trade-in. I’ll note that  purchased units. Instead, they focus on
        than the auction. But auction vehicles are  this finding doesn’t necessarily suggest  the age-old principle that “you make your
        a necessity for most dealers if they want  cause for pride. Rather, it’s a reflection of  money when you acquire a vehicle” and
        to maintain their retail sales volumes. You  the wholesale market’s efficiency, and the  manage each investment, regardless of
        can’t sell the cars if you don’t have them,  inherent advantage trade-in opportunities  its source, to preserve and produce the
        and it’s unlikely that most dealers will be  offer dealers.               maximum profit possible. n

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