Page 6 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
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Farewell, loyal GIADA members! CALENDAR
After serving Georgia dealers for over 16 years, it is time GIADA Convention
for me to say good bye. It’s been a fun ride and a great
challenge for me personally to help build this amazing July 12-14 in Savannah, Ga
organization to where it is today.
Prelicense Class
I have taken a job with NIADA (National Independent
Automobile Dealers Association) and will begin a new Monday, July 2
journey around August 1, 2018. My new job as VP of Marietta AM Classes
National Field Operations will allow me to use what I’ve 9:45 AM – 2:00 PM
learned the last 16 years to help other state associations
identify growth areas and help them figure out how to Prelicense Class
reach their full potential.
Monday, July 9
GIADA CEO, Paul John I will be relocating to Sarasota, FL, where the NIADA has Marietta AM Classes
a field office. Sarasota was my home before moving to the 9:45 AM – 2:00 PM
Atlanta area in 1992. I’m very pleased to get back there.
I am very proud of how far this association has come. I want to thank the association board Prelicense Class
members and volunteers who have worked so hard helping GIADA build membership. Wednesday, July 18
GIADA has evolved into a tremendous resource for all its loyal members. It is currently, Macon AM Classes
and has been for years, the largest state independent dealer association in the country. 9:45 AM – 2:00 PM
We have fought and won many battles at the Capital on behalf of all independent-car
dealers in Georgia and will continue to do just that. There have been countless training Prelicense Class
programs that the GIADA has rolled out, and we have negotiated many discounts at the Thursday, July 26
auctions, saving members thousands of dollars.
Norcross PM Classes
One of our greatest accomplishments was defeating the legislation three times. Legislators 5:45 PM – 10:00 PM
would have increased the car tax to levels that could put smaller dealers out of business.
That was a miracle. Prelicense Class
One main function any trade association industry should practice is ensuring government Saturday, July 28
isn’t over-regulating the industry. I’ve noticed small and weak state associations that just Marietta AM Classes
don’t have the horse power to defend the dealers in their states first hand. It is never good 9:45 AM – 2:00 PM
when industry over-regulation runs rampant.
I want to personally thank each and every board member for their service and dedication Prelicense Class
to the GIADA. We have had some of the sharpest men and women in the state get involved Monday, August 6
with GIADA and help steer the organization in the right direction. I have made so many Marietta AM Classes
good friends along the way, and they will be friends for life. Thank you board members 9:45 AM – 2:00 PM
who believed in me and supported me along the way. Thank you to all my staff members
who have worked so hard to make sure GIADA succeeds.
Prelicense Class
Your association will be left in capable hands and supervision of Amy Bennett, who will be Wednesday, August 15
the next Executive Director going forward. Amy and I have worked together for 14 years,
and she is an awesome lady who will do a great job running the day-to-day operations at the Macon AM Classes
GIADA office. She has a terrific staff who is familiar with her, so the transition will be simple. 9:45 AM – 2:00 PM
Please don’t stop supporting your GIADA. Remember, as a paying member, this is YOUR Prelicense Class
association and you DO have a voice. We are always looking for new leaders to come
aboard and help shape the association as it transitions into the future. Call us! Thursday, August 30
Norcross PM Classes
Best regards, 5:45 PM – 10:00 PM
4 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018