Page 33 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
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        Systematically Cut Car Dealership Costs

        By Jodi L. Kippe and Steven D. Wojcicki

        To  combat competitive  pressures  on  To help manage and reduce expenses in   including putting mechanisms in place
        front-end gross profits, car dealers should  this area, dealers should establish monthly   to minimize spot purchasing decisions.
        evaluate where they can reduce expenses  goals and monitor actual expenditures.  •   Implement compliance processes to
        and restructure their operations.                                            make sure approved vendors are being
                                             The goal should be to create cost-effective   used and that the dealership is being
        Several software tools are available to help  advertising programs using both traditional   charged the contracted rates.
        managers perform this analysis. Such tools  and digital forms.
        should allow dealers to do the following:                                 These are some additional ways dealerships
        •   See all dealerships side by side or  Computer equipment and software  can look to reduce expenses:
            take one dealership and compare the  Review all monthly invoices to make sure  •   Use full capabilities of service loaner
            current month with previous months.  you are paying for contracted services   management software to look for
        •   Compare similar franchises to one  at contracted prices and not paying for   savings opportunities related to service
            another.                         equipment no longer used, such as an out-  loaner use.
        •   Compile data from more than one  of-service printer. A dealership paying for  •   Review  use  of  outside  services  to
            dealership management system. This  unused software applications should not   determine if moving these functions
            is important if a multi-dealership  renew those contracts.               in-house might save money.
            group has stores operating on more                                    •   Look for savings opportunities related
            than one DMS.                    To better manage contract terms and     to utilities. Example: installing high-
        •   Set and review targets and goals.  costs, limit the signing of contracts for   efficiency lighting.
        •   Capture specific departments’ cash-  hardware and software to a small number  •   Rein in miscellaneous expenses,
            management items.                of authorized personnel.                such as lot damage and extravagant
        •   Send  alerts  via  email  so dealers can                                 employee recognition dinners.
            manage by exception.             INSURANCE                            •   Take advantage of a well-managed

                                             Gain a better understanding of deductibles,   accounting office to help reduce write-
        Here are areas to focus on cost-cutting:  including the risks – from cost and   offs and improve cash flow.
        FINANCING                            frequency perspectives  – of submitting   •   Dealers should include managers in
        The  cost  of  financing  has  risen  in  recent  claims on property and casualty insurance.  establishing a plan, by department,
        years. This trend is expected to continue.                                   to reduce costs.  Setting  intermediary
        At the same time, the rising cost of vehicles  Review  the  payback  period,  which  is   goals can help assess progress, which
        and days’ supply of new vehicle inventory,  computed by dividing the increase in   can be monitored month by month or
        combined with increasing pressure by  deductible by the premium reduction. If   quarter by quarter, depending on what
        manufacturers for dealers to offer new and  the payback period is fewer than three   seems most appropriate.
        upgraded facilities, contribute to rising  years, consider taking a higher deductible   •   Aligning managers’ compensation to
        financing costs.                     for reduced premiums.                   expense-reduction goals can go a long
                                                                                     way toward helping the dealership

        Dealers  should do  the  following  to  offset  Understand  the  current  state  of  the   achieve those goals.
        increasing costs of financing:       market  and  market  cycles  and  look  for
        •   Understand if an annual audit or  opportunities to negotiate a reduction in   To capture expense reduction on a long-
            reviewed financial statement could  premiums. Obtain quotes from more than   term basis, management should implement
            reduce one’s rates.              one insurance provider, including current   standardized processes and controls and
        •   Review or establish an inventory days’  providers.                    assign specific staff members to “own”
            supply target.                                                        expense categories.
        •   Improve the dealership’s sales and   BUYING POWER
            contract-funding process.        These are some ways to capitalize on buying   Every change counts. Even seemingly small
        •   Implement a strong cash-management   power:                           changes can add up to big savings. n
            program.                         •   Review vendor contracts and eliminate   Jodi Kippe and Steve Wojcicki are with the
                                                 low-performing vendors.          accounting firm Crowe Horwath. They can
        ADVERTISING                          •   Use current high-performing vendors   be reached at
        The median advertising cost per retail unit   for additional services.    and
        sold  for  all  dealerships  is  approximately  •   Use master vendor contracts.
        $360.                                •   Improve purchase order systems,
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