Page 34 - GIADA-June 2018-Final 062718
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Continued from page 11 site that allows anyone to search for open re- information and social security numbers
It also addresses hot button topics such as calls. collected from customers and employees —
protecting consumers’ personal information from cyber crooks and high-tech hackers.
and recalls. Helpful to dealers is a new tool that allows
them to search for open recalls on up to 10,000 He said cyber issues are always “hot topics” at
For a copy of NADA’s Regulatory Maze, visit vehicles at one time, at no charge. Available at the National Association of Dealer Counsel [Click Advocacy / Regulato-, the tool was conferences, with which he is involved and is
ry Affairs / Regulatory Reference Materials. created in partnership with the Alliance of composed mostly of attorneys that represent
A login email address and password are re- Automobile Manufacturers, the Association dealers.
quired to download the full document.] of Global Automakers and Carfax.
“This is a top issue for dealers, and they’d bet-
REGARDING RECALLS To protect consumers’ data, the FTC Safe- ter be watching out for all the problems that
Regulatory Maze, under the National High- guards Rule states that “dealers must develop, can happen, because if they don’t, it’s at their
way Transportation Safety Administration implement and maintain — and regularly au- peril,” said Chase.
recall regulation heading, notes that “new dit — a written security program to protect
vehicles and parts held in inventory that are customers’ information and must ensure that “We’ve seen instances where people go online
subject to safety recalls must be brought into their service providers provide similar safe- and purchase cars, and they’re all phony.”
compliance before delivery.” guards.”
When it comes to used vehicles, some dealer Eric Chase, a dealer attorney with Bressler, APPROACH
representatives suggest that dealerships dis- Amery & Ross, in Florham Park, N.J., said Keeping consumers’ personal information
close recall information to their customers dealers need to have one or more cyber ex- safe is a major compliance headache for deal-
and consider including links in their used-ve- perts on hand who know how to protect per- ers, but strong cybersecurity measures are
hicle advertising to, a web- sonal information — such as bank account only half the solution.
32 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JUNE 2018