Page 19 - GIADA Aug2017Digital
P. 19



           WAYNE REAVES,


         & BILLY GRAHAM

             HALL OF



 Give us a call or   Presented By Sandra Gresham
 come into the office     GIADA Awards $12,000 in Scholarships

 so we can help  ALYCE HAMMER                          JAREN MENDEL                       ASHLEY DAWSON
 you renew your   Father: John Hammer, US AUTO  Father: Steve Mendel, Central Auto   Father: Keith Dawson, Moss Curtain

 license in 2018!     Sponsor:                  Sales (GIADA member since 2005)             Motors - Vidalia

                              Alyce  is  very                     Jaren Mendel is                      Ashley  is  the
                              excited to  be                      a junior at the                      eighteen  year
                              honored with a                      University  of                       old   daughter
                              GIADA Schol-                        Georgia, major-                      of  Keith  and
                              arship!  Alyce                      ing in Account-                      Wanda    Daw-
                              attended Park                       ing. As a UGA                        son, as well as
                              Tudor School,                       freshman, Jaren                      the oldest out
                              where  she  was                     started Karma                        of three sib-
                              actively  in-                       Coffee, a stu-                       lings, Katie and
                              volved  in  Stu-                    dent run pay it                      Noah Dawson.
                              dent  Council                       forward kind-                        She   attended
        and was the chair of New Student Services.  ness initiative where students receive a free   Vidalia Heritage Academy all her life, and
        Alyce was the captain of the volleyball team  cup of coffee in exchange for performing a   graduated third out of her class there. In the
        and a member of the Cum Laude Society.  random act of kindness. He holds a second   fall, she will begin attending the University
        She is also a long time delegate of the Mod-  degree black belt in the Japanese martial art   of Georgia, where she will pursue a Mas-
        el United Nations, and was elected to travel  of Taido and started a student Taido club at   ter's Degree in mathematics education so
        to The Hague last winter as a photographer  UGA where he will be teaching Karate. He   she can one day teach and encourage high
        for the Press Corps. One of Alyce's favorite  is the President of Challah for Hunger, a   school students. She is blessed to receive
        high school experiences was volunteering  student organization raising awareness and   this scholarship, which will help her fulfill
        in Iowa  for  Habitat for Humanity. In the  money for hunger relief in Athens. Jaren was   her dreams at UGA.
        fall, she will be attending Southern Meth-  recently appointed as UGA Kind Ambassa-
        odist University with a plan to major in  dor for Kind Bars, whose mission is to spread
        International Studies. Alyce would like to  kindness on campus.  His summers are spent
        thank her family for all their love and sup-  working  with  children  at  Camp  Barney
        port and cannot wait to see where life takes  Medintz in the North Ga. where he special-
        her next!                            izes in outdoor leadership, rock climbing,
                                             and nature skills. He is an avid singer-song
                                             writer and enjoys playing guitar.
                                                                                   GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2017  |  17
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