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Three Degrees That Will Help You Run
a Better Car Dealership
By Jack Botam
If you’re building a car dealership busi- study something that will help you run a
ness, you probably already know that you more successful car dealership business.
don’t need to study for a college degree to
be successful. Many successful car deal- #1. ACCOUNTING
erships have been started by people who Running a business is full of maths and
didn’t have a college degree, but regardless numbers, so studying for an online mas-
of this, went on to become big success sto- ters in accounting could be the perfect
ries. After all, in this type of industry, it’s option for you. With an accounting de-
all about marketing your brand well and gree, you’ll be better able to crunch the
becoming a trusted source of information, numbers when it comes to your business;
products, and services. However, that isn’t for business owners who are just starting
to say that a college degree can’t help you out, this can be an excellent skill to have
to achieve your business goals. We’ve list- since it means that they will be able to save
ed some of the best degree program op- money on hiring a professional accountant
tions to choose from if you’re looking to by taking on the work themselves instead.
20 | GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2017