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        GIADA Teams up with Georgia Police

        BY KRISTIN REILLY, GIADA STAFF WRITER                                                                                                OF
                                                                                                                                    Tip THE      Month
        Quite often, the Georgia Independent Au-
        tomobile Dealers Association receives re-                                                                                                                              AMAC offers financing to qualified BHPH dealers
        ports of issues and unfair practices that can                                                                             Sometimes the Best                                     looking to expand their business.
        harm both consumers and licensed deal-
        ers.  The most common complaint received                                                                                  Deal is No Deal
        from both sides is about the illegal practice
        of Curbstoning (O.C.G.A. § 40-2-39.1).                                                                                    When business is slow it can be                   What’s included:
                                                                                                                                  tempting to lower your underwriting
        For those of you who are not familiar,                                                                                    standards to get another deal on                          Funding for Receivables
        Curbstoning involves a person or persons                                                                                  the board. This is never a good
        who are regularly engaged in the business                                                                                 idea, whether it is done during your                      You Collect or We Collect
        of buying and selling used automobiles for                                                                                busy season or your slow season.
        profit but without first meeting the mini-
        mum legal requirements to do so. This can                                                                                 Many of us make the mistake of                            Floorplan Lines
        mean an unlicensed person, selling vehicles                                                                               chasing business when times
        for profit, as well as a licensed dealer who is                                                                           are slow. Instead, concentrate on                         Simplified Insurance Tracking
        selling vehicles at a location where they are                                                                             making your business stronger,
        not licensed to do so.                                                                                                    training your employees, educating
                                                                                                                                  yourself, working on a business                           Reports Package
                                                                                                                                  plan, thoroughly reviewing your
                                                                                                                                  compliance program or anything else                       Training
                                                                                                                                  to strengthen your business are all far
                                                                                                                                  better options than writing bad deals.                    Bulk Roll in for Existing Contracts
                                                                                                                                  Remember, running a successful
                                                                                                                                  business is a marathon not a dash.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Cash Flow from Payments

        Victims of Curbstoning are often left with
        complications such as expensive repairs,
        issues with rolled back odometers, and are                                                                                      Ace Motor Acceptance Corp. (AMAC) specializes in supplying capital to BHPH dealers. Our
        sometimes left without proper paperwork
        to process their titles and get their tags.                                                                                      BHPH in a Box™ program provides capital to fund contracts and floorplan lines of credit
        Often in these curbstoning environments,                                                                                        to purchase inventory.  By offering both, AMAC improves your cash flow by allowing you to
        criminal activity has been reported such as                                                                                      pay off your floorplan when the deal is funded.   We understand what it takes to grow your
        fraud,  deception, auto theft and  even  as-
        sault or worse.                                                                                                                  business. AMAC allows you to maintain your customer relationship, leading to increased
                                                                                                                                          repeat and referral business.  Instead of selling off your portfolio or doing an expensive
        In an effort to better inform dealers, con-                                                                                       payment stream, AMAC has a superior program that allows you to retain strong monthly
        sumers,  and  even  police  officers  about
        Curbstoning and how to stop it, GIADA                                                                                            cash flow from customer payments. We approve you, not your customer.  The BHPH in a
        has teamed up with Georgia Police to com-                                                                                         Box™ program is the most complete program in the industry.  To learn more call AMAC
        bat this all too common illegal activity. At   Curbstoning and what they can do to pro-  Convention & CE Seminar where both Lt.                                today at 704-882-7100 ext. 7509.
        the forefront of this mission, GIADA has   tect their communities from this harmful  Price and Officer Pledger gave a presenta-
        teamed up with Lieutenant Jim Price from   and illegal practice.          tion to over 500 dealers on this topic. The
        the Gwinnett County Police Department                                     response was overwhelming, dealers were
        and Officer Brandon Pledger from the   As a thank you for their service, GIADA  overjoyed to learn that there was hope for
        Rome  Police Department. Their  efforts   presented Service Appreciation Awards to  stopping this activity. n
        have taken them to Police Departments   Lt. Price and Officer Pledger at their recent
        across the state to teach other officers about                                                                                                                       704-882-7100 ext. 7509
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