Page 25 - GIADA Aug2017Digital
P. 25


                      GIADA is looking for YOUR content.

                         If you can write on topics that we feature in GIADA publications,
                             we'll showcase your expertise by publishing your material!

            We are inviting all  associate members to submit  promotions and of course your company success
            their “grass roots” content to be shared in our mag-  stories! This is a fantastic way to increase brand
            azine publications and on our social media pages.  awareness and credibility for your company with-
            We  want  to  feature  your  NEW  products  and ser-  in a highly targeted market of independent auto
            vices, we want to announce your exciting internal  dealers.

                         for questions, comments or to submit material for consideration.

                                                                                   GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2017  |  23
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