Page 17 - The Nile Explorer Magazine 011
P. 17

popular pro-democracy uprising. The
                                                                               Juba  agreements  are  therefore  a  major
                                                                               achievement towards the realization of
                                                                               the transitional government objective.
                                                                               Tensions in Sudan were particularly
                                                                               heightened by economic hardship,
                                                                               especially after the 2011 secession of
                                                                               South Sudan which deprived the north of
                                                                               three-quarters of its oil reserves. This is
                                                                               besides the multiple civil wars that have
                                                                               raged in the country since independence
                                                                               in 1956, including the 1983-2005 war
                                                                               that led to the secession of the south.
                                                                               The devastating war in Darfur from
                                                                               2003 left at least 300,000 people dead
                                                                               and 2.5 million displaced in its early
                                                                               years, according to the United Nations.
                                                                               That progress is being made in Sudan’s
                                                                               transition to a democratic government is
                                                                               not doubt, but the process could relapse
                                                                               without international support and
                                                                               guidance, a U.N. investigator warned.
                                                                               The U.N. independent expert on human
                                                                               rights in Sudan, Aristide Nononsi, said
                                                                               that since his report last year, there have
                                                                               been some welcome developments and
                                                                               efforts by the transitional government to
                                                                               address systemic human rights and rule-
                                                                               of-law concerns in the African country.
                                                                               Nononsi also raised concerns that the
                                                                               budding democracy could be going
                                                                               off the rails, pointing to a decision to
                                                                               dismiss more than 350 judges and legal
                                                                               advisers. He said the dismissal was a
                                                                               troubling violation to the independence
                                                                               of the judiciary.
                                                                               Also troubling to Nononsi: an apparent
                                                                               erosion of Sudan’s civic space. He cited
                                                                               the recent arrest of 11 Sudanese artists
                                                                               who were sentenced to two months
                                                                               in prison on charges of being a public
                                                                               nuisance for chanting at a police station.
                                                                               “Moreover, there are serious allegations
                                                                               of ill treatment of the artists during
         Map of Sudan and South Sudan       30 companies owned or controlled by   their  arrest  and  detention,  as  well  as
                                            the Government of Sudan.           concerns over the administration of
          to restrictions on foreign assistance;   As the country opens a new page, with   justice. … Long-standing discrimination
          a ban on defense exports and sales; a   peace agreements that could see their   and inequality continue to plague
          Congressional notification requirement   integration into the country’s military,   Sudanese society, negatively affecting
          for certain exports of dual use items;   there is also urgent need to allow space   the enjoyment of economic, social and
          directed votes on international financial   for a vibrant civil society, plural political   cultural rights,” he said.
          institution assistance; restrictions on   environment and new social forces.  Sudan’s ambassador to the U.N. in
          debt reduction; and miscellaneous other   Sudan has a unique opportunity to   Geneva, Ali Ibn Mahmoud, is quoted
          restrictions.                     embrace democratic transition and equal   saying the transitional government
          On May 29, 2007, responding to    citizenship. If this opening is wasted, the   has made progress in reaching a global
          Sudanese President Bashir’s continued   country could be plunged into further   sustainable peace agreement, referring
          refusal to honor his commitments to   chaos or revert to military dictatorship.   to the October, Juba agreements.
          end the violence in Darfur, President   Ending  Sudan’s internal  conflicts  has   The ambassador said Sudan’s government
          Bush  ordered  the  U.S.  Department  of   been a top priority of the power-sharing   is ready to cooperate with U.N. and
          the Treasury to block the assets of three   government in power since last year’s   human rights mechanisms, and seeks
          Sudanese individuals and one company   military overthrow of al-Bashir amid a   to protect and promote human rights
          involved in the violence and to sanction                             universally.

                                                                                            The Nile Explorer 011   |  17
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