Page 16 - The Nile Explorer Magazine 011
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areas, Sudanese living in conflict zones
          attach  more importance  to  achieving
          peace and ending the marginalization of
          Sudan’s peripheries.
          Armed movements groups like the Sudan
          Revolutionary Front  (SRF),  which had
          fought for years against Bashir’s regime,
          has always stressed that peace  and
          democratization must go hand in hand
          if the revolution is to enable people in
          the peripheries to become equal citizens
          and  take full part  in national  elections
          – putting an end to long-established
          forms of governance which favoured a
          privileged political elite in Khartoum.
          The SRF has been calling for the
          constitutional declaration to be amended
          before it is signed so that formation
          of the transitional government can be
          calibrated with the peace talks.
          Even as the TMC government enters
          a new era, with the Juba agreements,
          its  biggest  challenge  is  the  dismantling
          of the Islamist state—as demanded by
          the rebel movements—created and
          entrenched  over  thirty  years  by  the
          former regime, which took control of
          all state institutions and key sectors of   Sudan demonstrators
          the economy, including hundreds of
          businesses owned by the military and   toppling of Omar Al-Bashir, the   structures moving forward. These
          security apparatus.               RSF were seen using munitions and   groups were the driving force of the
          Key to dismantling the deep state will be   according  to  witnesses,  opened  fire  at   revolution but have been largely
          the implementation of a comprehensive   protesters, sometimes even at students.  excluded from FFC decision-making
          programme of security sector reform   The systematic and repeated attacks   bodies. Including these new social forces
          aimed at establishing a professional and   were  orchestrated  by  Brigadier  and other marginalized groups in the
          inclusive national army and reducing the   General Mohammed Hamdan Dagolo,   political process will be crucial if Sudan
          power of the intelligence service.  commonly referred to as ‘Hemeti’, who   is to transform established patterns of
          Much  will  depend  on  whether  it  is   started  off  as a border guard  and later   power  and  privilege, even  as  it  makes
          possible to control the RSF by reducing   became a Janjaweed militia leader.  peace against itself.
          its funding from the Gulf states and the   Currently, Hemeti continues, almost as   Moreover,  robust support for  security
          gold trade, as well as containing the   usual, and has made life of civilian Prime   sector reforms, as well as political and
          political ambitions of its commander,   Minister  of  Sudan, Abdalla  Hamdok,   economic restructuring is a priority if
          General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo     very difficult, a clear manifestation of   there is to be any prospect of democratic
          (known as Hemeti), who is a powerful   the  military  seeking  to  continue  their   transition, development and stability.
          and influential will be an influential   hold on state machinery.    Given its size and strategic geopolitical
          figure in state affairs, even in this   RSF’s has a bad legacy of rape,   position, the stakes in Sudan and for the
          transition period.                extrajudicial killings and torture extend   wider region are high.
          Recruiting from Chad and Niger as   far beyond to Blue Nile and South   The international community is willing
          well as from the Janjaweed Arab militia   Kordofan, having  first started in Darfur,   to provide the necessary support, if the
          in Darfur, the RSF is an ill-disciplined   marginalizing and oppressing scores of   recent activities in the country by the
          trans-boundary militia, which could   people.                        US are anything to go by. Last month,
          destabilize Sudan as well as the wider   The RSF claim they are enforcing the   Donald Trump pushed through a peace
          region. As a first step, the RSF should   rule of law by cracking down on illegal   deal with Israel with the promised of
          be withdrawn from all law enforcement   immigration and trafficking explosives,   lifting economic suctions imposed on
          activities across Sudan.          or   protecting  borders.  Activists,  the Central African country over 2
          With the Sudan Uprising nearing its   however, denounce the use of brute   decades ago.
          two-year anniversary, the country’s   force against unarmed civilians and   In 1993, concern for Sudan’s Islamist
          Rapid Support Forces (RSF) is still in   displacing thousands.       links  with  international  terrorist
          place using force to suppress Sudanese   Another challenge for Sudan is to   organizations led the U.S. government
          citizens.                         ensure  proper  representation of  youth   to designate Sudan as a state sponsor
          Throughout the revolution, which   and women in the new governance   of terrorism. As such, Sudan is subject
          started  in  December  2018  and  led  to

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