Page 20 - The Nile Explorer Magazine 011
P. 20

Tullow Oil Plc exists

          require massive investments across
          countries,  as  well   as financial
          communit y,   an d   re comm en d s  Uganda oil project
          a bold reform agenda that includes
          policies that create fiscal space, along
          with policies to speed up job creation.
          Several countries, including South
          Africa, Nigeria, and Ethiopia, have
          already begun implementing long-
          needed    reforms in   energy and
          telecommunications spurred by the
          current crisis, and 25 percent of African
          firms have accelerated the use of digital
          technology and increased investments in
          digital solutions. By mid-September, 46
          countries in Sub-Saharan Africa had put
          in place 166 social protection measures   Oil rig on the shores of Lake Albert, Uganda
          —with social assistance representing
          84 percent of these measures. Social   il company, Total; set to become the   last year terminated the planned farm-
          protection programs have proven to  Obiggest shareholder in Uganda’s oil   down. A month later, in September,
          be a critical tool to mitigate the social   project. This follows the government’s   2019, Total suspended its technical
          impact of the pandemic.           approval of the sale of Tullow’s 33.33%   activities on the East African Crude Oil
                                            stake of its Ugandan assets at US$ 575   Pipeline (EACOP) following the collapse
          “As COVID-19 continues to put     million (Approx. Shs 2 trillion) to the   of Tullow’s proposed sale of its Ugandan
          substantial  pressure  on Western  company.                          interests.
          and Central African economies, it is   This development means that the   According to the agreement, Tullow said
          important for   policymakers to create   French firm’s interest in the Lake Albert   it would receive up to US $575 million
          the infrastructure necessary for rapid   Development Project has increased to   from Total with an initial payment of
          recovery,” said Ousmane   Diagana,   66.66% while the rest is held by the China   US $500 million at closing (of the deal)
          World Bank Vice President for     National Offshore Oil Corporation   while US $75 million would be paid
          Western and Central Africa. “Strong   (CNOOC).                       when the partners finally take the final
          policies create  the      critical  Tullow Oil plc said in a short statement   investment decision for the Lake Albert
                                            on Oct.21 that the government together
          cornerstone for sustained, inclusive   with the Uganda Revenue Authority had   Development Project.
          recovery and improved resilience to   finally “executed a binding tax agreement   Under the terms of the deal, Total
          shocks.”                          that reflects the pre-agreed principles on   would take over Tullow’s entire existing
                                                                               33.3334% stake in each of the Lake
          “The World Bank Group, one of     the tax treatment of the sale of Tullow’s   Albert project licenses EA1, EA1A,
          the largest sources of funding and   Ugandan assets to Total.”       EA2 and EA3A and the proposed East
          knowledge for developing countries,   Tullow  will  receive  US$500  million   African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP).
          is taking broad, fast action to help   (Approx. Shs 1.875 trillion) and a   The transaction was also subject to the
                                            further US$75 million (Approx. Shs
          developing countries strengthen their   281bn) when a Final Investment   Chinese oil  firm, CNOOC, exercising
          pandemic response. We are supporting   Decision is taken on the development   its pre-emption right to take 50% of the
          public health interventions, working   project.  In  addition,  Tullow  is  entitled   transaction. However, CNOOC chose
          to ensure the flow of critical supplies   to receive contingent payments linked   not to exercise its right, meaning that the
          and equipment, and helping the private   to the oil price payable after production   transaction went on as planned.
                                                                               Following CNOOC’s position, Tullow
          sector continue to operate and sustain   commences.                  said  there  are  no  changes  to  the
          jobs. We will be deploying up to $160   Tullow had originally struck a deal with   previously announced transaction or
          billion in financial support over 15   Total for a farm-down of its licences   timeline and that Tullow expected the
          months to help more than 100 countries   at US$900 million in 2017. However,   transaction to be completed in the
          protect the poor and vulnerable, support   the transaction later collapsed after the   second half of 2020.
                                            government insisted that Tullow pay
          businesses, and bolster economic   US$167 million before it could transfer   The Ugandan government “welcomed
          recovery. This includes $50 billion of   its assets to Total and CNOOC.  the  agreement”  reached  between  Total
          new IDA resources through grants and   Tullow Oil Plc, the parent company of   and Tullow, that also confirms Tullow
          highly concessional loans”.       Tullow Oil Uganda at the end of August   Oil exit from Uganda.

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