P. 147

„                  PUBLIC RELATIONS

          On the contrary, there are a  lot of less at-                 ,bDOZD\V NQHZ
        tractive stories where the right PR helped the          WKDW 1DSD 9DOOH\ KDG
        positive acceptance of a new product, the po-  WKH VRLOV  WKH FOLPDWH DQG WKH
        pularity of a certain personality or the solution
        of a complex critical situation.              JUDSH YDULHWLHV WR PDNH ZLQHV
          Sometimes you can read that the difference   WKDW UDQNHG ZLWK WKH ɮQHVW LQ WKH
        between PR and advertising is that advertising   ZRUOG  %XW RQFH ZH DFKLHYHG WKDW
        is paid and PR is free. Forget it; it only works
        this way in theoretical books. A far better de-  TXDOLW\  SXEOLF UHODWLRQV SURJUDP
        finition is that you fully control and manage   DQG SXEOLFLW\ ZHUH FUXFLDO LQ WHOOLQJ
        the wording of the ad you pay for, while PR is   WKH ZRUOG DERXW RXU ZLQHV DQG
        a butterfly, a light thought sent out into the
        world. If it is well thought out, if it is full of ideas,   WKH DSSURSULDWH SODFH RI ZLQH LQ
        it can turn into a small ball, a large ball and in   RXU OLYHV  :H LQYHVWHG ODUJH VXPV
        the end it can trigger an avalanche. However,      LQ WKDW HGXFDWLRQDO HɭRUW
        we no longer control it. PR lives its own life.     DQG ,bNQRZ WKDW LW SOD\HG
         And it‘s not free. It‘s just not directly paid.
        PR agencies get their projects and ideas paid    DbPDMRU UROH LQ RXU VXFFHVV
        well. And even those bottles of wine, manne-  ,Q P\ RSLQLRQ  SXEOLF UHODWLRQV
        quins and dinner together that you spent with     DUH   ULJKW DɸHU WKH TXDOLW\
        a journalist who now writes positively about
        you cost something. And because in business     RI ZLQH   WKH PDLQ DQG PRVW
        money comes first, you may more and more                 LPSRUWDQW IDFWRU IRU
                                                           WKH VXFFHVV RI YLWLFXOWXUH
                                                                     Robert Mondavi

                                                 often come across the media offer for a „PR ar-
                                                 ticle“ that will look like an editorial but where
                                                 you will pay the production costs and maybe
                                                   PR has many advantages but in my opinion,
                                                 the biggest is the fact that through them you
                                                 can address those groups that are not interes-
                                                 ted in advertising, groups that are distrustful
                                                 and suspicious but willing to pay attention to
                                                 an independent expert, comparison of quality
                                                 of products in a test or public opinion polls.
                                                   PR has many faces but for now we will be
                                                 content with the one that is most often menti-
                                                 oned: To offer the media interesting informati-
                                                 on in an interesting way so that the media are
                                                 attracted to it and send it to the world. And
                                                 there it could spread virally.
                                                   And now, watch out! Let‘s avoid the most
                                                 common mistake! Course by course, lecture
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