P. 148


        by lecture I encounter the same mistake. Peo-
        ple think that they will fulfill their commitment
        to PR by preparing and distributing a press re-
        lease to the newsrooms once in a while. But it
        is not so!
          Just one paragraph is enough to explain:
          You need to think more than thoroughly
        about your message. Only the one who will
        be the first, the most creative, the best,
        the most interesting, the most imaginative
        and the funniest has a chance! You have to
        do something worth writing about. If you ma-
        nage that, write a press release and invite the
        media! Although that still doesn‘t achieve the
        goal, not even when articles about you are pu-
        blished and interviews broadcast on radio and
        television. Public relations fulfilled their role
        only by influencing the perception of you
        or your product by the public and ideally
        by your target groups.
          Some examples?
          I like Prosecco. A few years ago, I was fascina-
        ted by a small helicopter, spraying a protecti-
        ve spray on the vine on the steep slopes of
        Cartizze. That‘s when I wrote about it enthusi-
        astically. Today, similar attention will be given
        to the winery, which will be the first one in the
        country to start treating vineyards with a dro-
        ne. What effect it is going to have? The pu-
        blic will think it‘s a modern winery and that it
        probably has a lot of money. People don‘t like
        it that much. So, what result can we expect?
        It‘s probably not the best PR but an industrial
        drone in winegrowing can be an advantage
          Bohemia Sekt is the largest producer of
        sparkling wines in the Czech Republic; each
        of the 10.5 million inhabitants drinks at least
        one of their bottles a year. Bohemia sekt (fill   When Bohemia Sekt launches a new (paid) adver-
        in any manufacturer here) hired a world-fa-  tising campaign with Top Model Tereza Maxová
        mous model Tereza Maxová (fill in any famous   for its sparkling wines, it is advertising and mar-
        name - Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, Emily Ra-  keting communication. When it publishes news
        tajkowski, Cindy Crawford ...) as the paid face   about a new advertising campaign, which the me-
        of its advertising campaign. Advertisements   dia passes on, it‘s PR.
        and TV spots with Tereza Maxová are adver-  The news does not concern sparkling wines, but the
        tising, part of marketing communication. The   campaign with Tereza Maxová.
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