P. 149

„                  PUBLIC RELATIONS

        company informs the public about the adver-             7KH KLVWRU\ RI 35 LVǠ
        tising campaign at a press conference and in          DbKLVWRU\ RI DbEDɹOH IRU
        press releases. When it publishes a report on   ZKDW LV UHDOLW\ DQG KRZ SHRSOH
        a new advertising campaign, it‘s PR.
          Again, is there some effect?  Yes, quite   ZLOO VHH DQG XQGHUVWDQG UHDOLW\ Ǜ
        a bit! Interest from the media which look for-                   Stuart Even
        ward to paid advertising and attention from
        potential customers. They are likely to think:
        “I see a beautiful and famous woman drinking   outputs of its activity, depending on its natu-
        sparkling wine. There must be something about   re, gives a reason to be evaluated by others.
        it, she wouldn‘t drink anything bad”. So, again  From this point of view, any action of people
        what is the result? They will tell to themsel-  and companies is actually part of the creation
        ves: “I will taste it…“, subconsciously thinking  of their public relations, whether purpose-
        that perhaps it may make them more beauti-  fully built, or arising just by the way from their
        ful. Despite the tabloid headlines  „Tereza su-  other activities.
        ccumbed to alcohol“ or „Does the model drink   If so, then public relations has been here
        sparkling wine for breakfast?“, the public reme-  since time immemorial and their natural re-
        bers Bohemia Sekt as a luxury drink that is also  lations, unexplored and undescribed at that
        chosen by the world‘s top celebrities. To world  time, have worked objectively here since the
        peace!                                   time when the strongest warrior dragged the
          On the one hand, public relations are the  most beautiful tribe woman into his cave and
        pinnacle of the art of communication, politi-  by pounding his chest he regularly reminded
        cal dexterity, understanding the situation and  others not only about his strength but also
        the feeling for forming interpersonal relation-  this newly acquired exclusive advantage. The
        ships.                                   others accepted it.
                                                   Undoubtedly, the ancient form of PR was
        YOUR RELATIONS                           „bread and games“, which the ruling elite used
          On the other hand, they are just and literally  to complete the people‘s view of them.
        „relations with public, with stakeholders, with
        your target groups as well with non-participa-
        ting casual observer “. This will take away half
        of the exclusivity from this term but it will be
        easier for us to understand what this field is all
        about. Generally speaking, public relations are
        ways and techniques of creating and maintai-
        ning public relations. Public relations and the
        way the public perceives you are important to
        your success.
          I am convinced that these activities, defined
        for example as „a set of techniques and activi-
        ties of influencing opinion, which largely de-
        termines how the subject is perceived“, can be
        broadly conceived as any activity of a person,
        institution, enterprise, company, corporation
        or any subject which, by each of its acts, verbal
        and non-verbal expressions, products or other
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